Diana is 11 months old! I can't believe how quickly she is growing up! This months pictures didn't turn out any better than last month. The girl will not sit still! All she wanted to do was play or chew on things...clearly still working on cutting teeth. She is a good little girl though. Getting more independent and
feisty every day though. Auntie Heidi said she is just "spirited!" I laughed and said that is a nice way of putting it. Now that she is mobile she needs to be constantly watched. She has already fallen down our stairs once. Not sure how far she got up them as I heard the thud when I was coming back down them after changing a quick load of laundry. I didn't even know she knew how to bring her leg up. She would much rather play with Jonathan's toys than her own. She loves to pull herself up on things and has just started transferring to things. I am not really encouraging the walking so she isn't close to doing that yet. She can move very fast crawling though...she still does her "bottom scooting" though on the hardwood floors. It is hilarious to watch her because as soon as she gets close to getting off the run onto the hardwood, she starts scooting. She knows she can go faster this way. She is sleeping through the night! Thank goodness! Eats three meals, and I mean meals, a day. Drinks about 5 bottles ranging from 4 to 5 ounces (with the exception of an 8 oz nighttime bottle). If she sees big brother eating she wants something to eat. She has ZERO patience to wait for food and will literally through a fit if she is hungry. Her new thing, she will crawl over to the sink where I am making her bottle, pull herself up on the back of my legs and cry until she gets her bottle. Who created this monster!?!? I have no idea who she takes after.