Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Swim Time

The kids both really enjoy the water and I think we (at least Jonathan & Nana) went swimming just about every day we were in California.  Jonathan has gotten really good at swimming, especially holding his breath underwater and he figured out how to blow big bubbles underwater now too.  These are pictures from the last day swimming, Jonathan said it was the one thing he wanted to do before we left.
 I love the hands in this picture...
Big bubbles...
Diana likes to drink the pool water, which grosses me out but GB told me with Jonathan that they can't drink enough of it to actually hurt them so I try not to worry about it.
 She enjoyed just sitting on the steps and kicking
But then it was snack time


Since Jonathan has been talking about volcanoes and mountains at school, on the way home from the zoo, I asked him if he wanted to go touch the off we went.  I am trying to take him on some adventures since Daddy wasn't around this week to do that.  He brought part of it home too, which he thought was way cool!

Living Desert

The weather finally broke today and we headed to the zoo, the Living Desert. Jonathan remembered a lot about the zoo from last year, the pictures him and Grandpa looked through last night might have helped. He couldn't get to his favorite things fast enough: the trains, petting the goats and the playground (although that was new this year). We basically skipped right over the giraffes because Jonathan couldn't wait to get to the petting zoo. He found a buddy, Stanley (the goat) and was combing him forever. The ladies working the petting area were super friendly and answering all of Jonathan's questions. They said that Stanley was really liking Jonathan brushing him and he got a big proud smile on his face. Diana, well as you could guess, did not care for the goats. She did want to hold the brushes but she refused to go near them. Next on Jonathan's radar was the playground. I had to remind him we were there to see animals but he didn't care. The playground was actually pretty cool with tunnels, sand and water area and spider web ropes. Next up was the merry-go-around. Before the ride was even over, Diana was signing more and saying "more more." Lucky for the kids, Grandpa shelled over the money for them to ride again and Diana was so happy, until the 2nd ride came to an end and she left the merry-go-around crying, she didn't want to get off. Jonathan then remembered about a pond where him and Grandpa Gordy threw rocks in it last year, so we went there next. This year we also got a tour of the animal hospital there and some older gentlemen was very eager to show Jonathan everything. On our way out, the model trains were finally moving so we stayed and watched those for awhile. It was a fun day at the zoo!

We had to take a picture of Jonathan with the zerbas since he is sleeping in the zebra room.
Diana loved the warthog and didn't want to leave it.
So happy on the merry-go-round
Here is Stanley!
The two rocks that got thrown into the pond.
In front of part of the train display.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Eating Out

We went out for pizza after the park today and Jonathan was so excited because "we never get to eat out at the restaurant."  Which is true, we usually pick up food and eat it at home, it's just easier in my opinion. 

Playground Time

There is a really nice park close to where my parents stay in Palm Springs and lucky for us, the weather cleared enough this afternoon to go play for awhile.  Jonathan loves the rope climbing at this park and it is amazing how much he has improved from last year.  Last year, he was a little afraid to even do it.  This year he ran up to it, went across so fast...faster than I could even get my camera out. 
 Diana loves slides!  She has no fear on them either and will always find the tallest one at every park we go to. 
 Diana actually likes to get dizzy too, makes me sick.  She will spin in circles at home just because and eventually fall over.  She also likes to sit in these spinny things at parks.
 Snack time of course for you know who

Rough Life

...but someone has to do it.

Backyard Playtime

The kids enjoyed playing outside this morning in the backyard.  It was a gorgeous morning and the picture doesn't do it justice but the fog was very heavy and then lifted.  Earlier this morning you couldn't see the mountains at all.  I asked Jonathan where they went and he had this very puzzled yet concerned look on his face.  The kids were fighting over a truck at first but then they were very loving as well. 

Friday, January 25, 2013

Wash Out

Jonathan woke up this morning so excited that he slept in his clothes last night. He doesn't even remember Grandpa carrying him in and putting him in his bed. Today was kind of a bust because it rained all day and everything we were thinking about doing was outside. We found things to do around the house. Jonathan was pretending all sorts of things with Nana on the golf cart, such as exploring volcanoes. The kids rode their bikes for awhile in between the rain. Diana enjoyed filling up her trucks from Bink with rocks and dumping them. That night we had movie night and Jonathan and Nana curled up on the floor in front of the fire and watched the Lorax. Jonathan took a 3 hour nap today, longer than Diana. I think the waking up early (5 am) is finally catching up with him. He needed to get some sleep! The funniest thing Jonathan said today was this morning he asked how many more days we were here. When I said only 3, he said "Well, I guess I better do what I want to do then."

New Discoveries

Diana has discovered a couple of things while we have been out in California.  1) Dried strawberries in Special K cereal.  I think she ate all of them in the whole box the first two days we were here.  2) Apple juice.  I caved and gave her juice finally.  I am already thinking it was a mistake.  3) The iPad.  I downloaded a "toddler" game for the airplane ride in case I got desperate and well, let's just say she is hooked just like her brother.  Good thing Grandpa Gordy has an iPad too, not sure what we are going to do when we get home.  It is amazing at how quickly she has learned to work the thing.

Busy Girl

Diana is very busy and keeping us all busy this week.  She has discovered washing golf balls at the house and is getting much better with the new camera.  Today she was hamming it up a couple of different times while I had my camera out.  Any time she sees the camera now she says, "cheeeeseeee."

Jonathan enjoying a snack of popcorn and gatorade out by the fire.


Here are pictures from Villagefest.  Diana got to ride on Grandpa Gordy's shoulders for the first time on this trip.  We don't think she likes it as much as Jonathan did at this age but she is getting better at it. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Museum Pictures

There were so many cute pictures from the museum, I had to post more. 

 These next two pictures were from an area that blew balls up in the air but after awhile, the kids decided it would be more fun to have the fans blow their hair instead.  They were giggling so much!

So Diana doesn't miss a thing these days.  She saw me put hand sanitizer on and of course she had to do it too.  The problem is that she got a little too much in her hands and I was telling her to rub rub rub her hands together...but she decided to run her hands through her hair instead.  I think she thought it was hair product too.
 Jonathan really wants a sewing machine for his birthday.
Oh and I forgot, Diana loved the wheelchair, I think mainly because it had a button she could push that reset the timers.

Thursday Palm Springs Adventures

Today was the day Jonathan decided we were going to the children's museum. I was trying to persuade him into going to the zoo instead as it is supposed to rain the next couple of days, but it was already in his head that we were going to the museum. On the way, it did start to rain so I think he made a smart choice. The museum had a lot of the same stuff as last year but it was interesting to see what the kids played with. Jonathan couldn't get to things fast enough whereas Diana took her time and stopped to look at everything. Thankfully I had Nana and Grandpa Gordy with me so that each kid could do what they wanted. I would have to say this year Jonathan's favorite things were the spider web rope obstacle, the race cars, unlocking of the safes and the tube building area to send a golf ball down. Diana's favorites were the grocery store, the dress up area (particularly the jewelry) and this metal star you were supposed to trace through a mirror (of course she didn't use it as intended but she kept going back to it, Nana thinks because she could see herself in the mirror). We had some snacks outside and then it was off to run through the maze again. The kids had fun chasing each other and Jonathan racing Nana. We brought Diana home to nap and Nana and Grandpa Gordy took Jonathan to McDonald's for lunch. He had been wanting McDonald's since the Salt Lake City airport so he was super excited. He also never gets to eat there as we normally go through the drive thru so it was even more exciting. Apparently he met some more new friends in the playarea and had a blast playing with them. He really is a social kid. Tonight we went to Villagefest downtown Palm Springs. Luckily for us, Nana and Grandpa Gordy had checked it out last Thursday so they knew where to go and had already scoped out what to buy there. Jonathan really liked this hand scrub that Nana and Grandpa Gordy had bought so I promised him he could get some. The lady selling the scrub said she just had to meet my Jonathan and wash his hands for him, so we brought him back to her stand and he was just mesmerized with her and the hand washing. It was really cute. He also got a glass sun catcher for his room that he got to pick out all by himself. We had wood grilled pizza for dinner, along with several free samples and treats, listened to some music and headed home way late (it was after 8 when we left). I don't think we were in the car for 5 minutes and both kids were fast asleep. Although Jonathan did yell at Nana and said, "Nana, I am trying to sleep" as she was talking to Grandpa. Poor Nana and Grandpa sat quietly for the whole ride home, about 30 minutes but both kids did sleep the whole way. Oh to be a kid again and just say whatever you are thinking. It was a really fun day!

Uncle Greg & Aunt Susan Visit

Uncle Greg and Aunt Susan drove up from San Diego today to see us!  It was so great to see them and very nice of them to make the drive.  Jonathan was so excited to see Uncle Greg!  They have always had a special bond, which I adore.  Greg brought his dog, Max, so most of the day was spent with Jonathan and Greg playing with Max.  Greg and Jonathan also did go swimming which made Jonathan's day.  Diana took a 3 hour nap and has a fear of dogs so she was a little out of sorts all afternoon and would scream/whine any time Max would get near her.  When we were saying goodbye, I told Jonathan to listen to Greg's car (Porsche).  Jonathan got a kick out of the roar of the engine and was laughing hysterically after it. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Bike Time

Thanks to GB's friend, Bink, who lives out here in Palm Springs (only 4 miles away from where we are staying), Jonathan has a bike to ride on while we are out here. She also let us borrow a big wheel for Diana and some trucks and boats. The kids were so excited. I have a feeling these will come in handy this week. Thank you so much Bink! And as always, it was so great to see you.