Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Monday, July 11, 2011

Snake Tongue

Well Jonathan put in a much better night than I expected. He slept with Brad and I and whimpered a couple times during the night but slept the whole night. I took him to the dentist today and they said it is one of the worst injuries they have seen, but they have seen worse. The dentist told Jonathan that he made his tongue look like a snake. Which is true, unfortunately. His teeth went right through his tongue and he can now separate the end of it. He basically has a Y in his tongue. His teeth are all jacked up as well and 4 or 5 of them are loose. The good news is that the xrays show that the permanent teeth should be ok. The dentist wants to wait a week to see how everything heals. We may need to put Jonathan under to put stitches in his tongue and/or pull some teeth. I can barely look in his mouth without getting squirmish. I feel so bad for the little guy but he really is tough and handling it quiet well. Now to try and find "calm" activities for a very active little 3 year old boy.

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