Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Diana 3 Month Checkup

Diana had her 3 month checkup today and weighs 11 # 11.6 ounces and was 21.5 inches long. She is staying on her growth chart. I have noticed that developmentally she is a little behind and the doctor did some extra tests today to make sure everything is ok and it is. As the doctor said she is just "delayed" and is acting her gestational age, not her birth age. She is smiling, cooing and tracking things, she just isn't consistently doing them. The doctor told me not to worry. She got the rotavirus vaccinne today and Jonathan asked if he could wait in the hall while she got it as she screams really loud he said. Fortunately, it was an oral vaccinne so no screaming.

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