Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Beep Beep

Diana is backing up. Diana has mastered crawling backwards. She prefers to be either sitting or on her belly now, very rarely is she on her back these days. If she is sitting and sees something she wants she will flop to her belly and try and reach for it. When it is too far out of her reach, she will try crawling towards it but poor little girl gets further and further away from it as she goes backwards. It doesn't really seem to bother her though. The only time she will squawk is when she gets stuck in a corner or under the couch. Every once in awhile she will get tired from crawling and just lay her head down on the floor for a few seconds to take a's really cute! I have seen her a few times go from being on her belly to sitting, but she is not consistent on this yet. It seems as though she can do it when her legs are positioned just correctly. She is definitely growing up!

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