Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Diana's First Haircut

Diana got her first haircut today! Jonathan had one scheduled and as I was looking at Diana's hair earlier this week and how out of control it looked, I decided it was time for her first haircut. I may have rushed it a little bit because the lady today me I couldn't really trim the sides because then she would look like a boy. So she still has wings that I just need to keep training to tuck behind her ears and wait for it to grow out. She told me I could put product in her hair and I kind of laughed, considering I don't use any in my hair I don't think my 1 year old needs to. Diana didn't want to sit on her own animal stool, she kept trying to get down, so I had to hold her. She didn't cry at all, but she didn't want to sit still at all...Lynee said she got her workout this morning. Diana also got new shoes today...she jumped a full size (wearing a 4.5 now) No wonder I was having to jam her feet in her old pair.

Out of control hair...

(she was really hard to get pictures of..wouldn't sit still and I don't like her paci in her mouth but that was the only way I could get her to sit)

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