Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Friday, September 28, 2012


Today GB and Grandpa Weeks came down and we went to the zoo. We claim it was Grandpa's first time going to the Cincy Zoo (although there was 1 other time when Brad was little). It was such a fun day at the zoo! We saw lots of fun things and different things than normal. For instance, Jonathan wanted to go down the rhino path which we don't normally do and we saw a baby camel. Then we went to the new cat exhibit and the tigers were pacing back and forth right by the window...Jonathan was so close to the tiger it was unbelievable. Then we saw the baby manatee going #2, which was so weird but gross. We then stopped in to see the polar bears and while we were there, the one decided to take his ball down to the pool and play. A bunch of kids, including Jonathan and Grandpa ran down the hill (along with giggles) to get a better view. Next stop, the bird house because Jonathan wanted to see the penguins. It smelled a little in the exhibit so we went through it pretty quickly until we got to the penguins. One king penguin looked like it was going to jump in for a swim but he was being hesitant and the next thing we knew, he slipped and fell in. It was pretty fun. Jonathan said that was his favorite of all day. Somehow I got talked into going in the Lorikeet exhibit, which I would have been fine with but then Jonathan wanted to feed them and the next thing I know, I had 3 birds on me. I don't think I need to experience that again. We picked up lunch on the way home, Diana fell asleep and ate quickly. GB and I went shopping for furniture...she has been a life saver. I would have totally given up on trying to figure out furniture for my living room by now. We spent the rest of the afternoon playing outside and enjoying our time together. GB and Grandpa stayed for dinner. It was a great day!!

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