Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Oh Dear

So Brad has been gone since Sunday and all in all it's been a good week. Having the kids in school is a huge help. Although, yesterday I picked Jonathan up from school and Mrs. Reker-Murphy comes over to tell me that Jonathan took a huge fall off the playground and hit his head. She said he seems fine, he said he was fine and didn't want any attention from it but that I should keep an eye on him (make sure he doesn't puke...she was worried about a concussion). He ended up being fine. Today, I get a phone call from her about 3 pm. He fell again on the playground. This time his feet came out from underneath him and he scraped his chin, back and elbow. This time he told her it hurt and she said he had some tears. When I picked him up he was fine. She said he is just being a boy on the playground, not playing too crazily and that they truly are just accidents. The playground scares me and two kids in his class have already had serious injuries. I am praying that Jonathan doesn't get really hurt. He is accident prone and likes to show off, not a good combo. Diana also apparently had a meltdown at school today. The teacher said, "Second week, second day...very normal." Every kid had a meltdown in her class today. Once one kid starts it, I guess it's bound to happen. I guess Diana cried a little and asked for me but quickly got over it. On a positive note, she did go #2 today in school for the first time. The teacher gave Diana a high five when she told me. When I was putting Diana to bed tonight she said, "Miss Daddy!" I hope he's had fun at the Homestead but we are all ready for him to come home.

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