Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Go Buckeyes!

Jonathan got to cheer for his favorite team today, OSU. Daddy and him were all geared up for the game. Jonathan got to wear the Buckeye onsie that his uncle Kyle and Amanda got him.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Rolling Over

Jonathan is rolling over!!! He did it for the first time at the doctor's office on Friday, August 8th and then he did it a couple of times on Tuesday, August 12th and he did it four times today, August 19th. He can't do back to belly yet, but we are working on it.

Sorry there are so many videos...but couldn't decide which one to put on here. :-)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Eating Cereal

Jonathan got to try rice cereal for the first time today. I don't think he knows what to think of it quite yet.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Love My Crib

Jonathan loves his crib and all of the animals inside of it. His Nana Hoehn made all of the bedding for him. This morning I went in to get him from his morning nap and he was just laying there looking at the animals on the bumper. He was actually trying to touch them too and was cooing at them. It was super cute!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Lake Cumberland

Jonathan got to go to Lake Cumberland for the first time this weekend. We were fortunate enough to stay with our friend's mom and step-dad Friday night and then at our friends lake home Saturday night. Jonathan was such a good boy and was out on the lake all day on Saturday. As you can see, he slept most of the time...I think he was very relaxed!

Friday, August 8, 2008

4 Month Checkup

Jonathan had his 4 month checkup today. He weighed in at 16 lbs 6 oz and grew one inch making him 25 1/4 inches long. He is in the 75% for both weight and height. Jonathan had to get 3 shots, the same ones that he got at 2 months...aside from crying when he got the shots he did really well.

The big news is that Jonathan rolled over for the first time at the dr's office. He rolled from his belly to his back while Mommy was talking to the doctor and Daddy was playing with him. It was very exciting!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Soooo Big

Jonathan is getting so big! We can't believe he is 4 months old already. We have our dr's appt this Friday so we will update you on his stats then.