Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Jonathan likes to make "milk shakes" now. Really they are just fruit smoothies. I made him one, well myself one, and he liked it. Today I was in the freezer to get something and he said mommy can we make a milk shake. I of course thought he meant an ice cream shake but he said no mommy I show you. He proceeded to get out the frozen fruit and then go and point to the vitamix. Thanks to Emily, we have a new recipe that calls for kale from our garden too. Very tasty and healthy!

Going Away Party

Jonathan had a going away party today at Mimi's. So sad!! I think we all will be missing each other. Jonathan picked out spider man cupcakes for his party and kept saying it was his birthday party. Era brought face paint and painted Alex and Evan as witches but Jonathan wanted no part of the face paint. The kid does not like to get dirty. Alex and Evan looked very cute!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Pretend House

Jonathan is very busy telling stories these days. He has this whole "own pretend house" with his pretend family, cars, etc. He likes to talk about it and tell you what is going on at his pretend house. Today while I was feeding Diana, which took about 30 minutes, Jonathan talked to me the entire time about his pretend house. I think he was quiet for maybe 10 seconds during this time. Quite a story teller.

Diana 6 Week Checkup

Diana had her "1 month" checkup appointment today but she is 6 weeks old (the appt got all messed up because of her 2 week weight checks). The doctor said she is doing well and was pleased with her weight gain, especially since I am nursing almost exclusively now. Diana gets 1-2 bottles a day, 1 to ensure she gets her vitamin and another one if she seems tired or gets hungry shortly after I nurse her. She is doing really well with eating. She weighed 8 pounds 6 oz today. We are all very proud of her! She is in the 10th percentile for weight if you don't adjust her age for being early and 50th percentile if you do adjust her age. Diana had to get her second hepatitis B shot and was none too thrilled. Jonathan came with and when Diana started screaming, he covered his ears with his hands. It was funny.

Oh to be a kid again

Jonathan had a great time at the park today. We played on the swingset for awhile and pretended we were driving a firetruck and putting out fires. I think this was inspired by our waiter at breakfast asking Jonathan what he wanted to be when he grew up and he said a fireman. Daddy and I love this picture of Jonathan swinging. Yes, he was pretending to be buzz lightyear and was saying "to infinity and beyond"

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Diana Shotgun Shell

While Daddy was on his work trip, he got to go clay pigeon shooting and look what brand shells he used. This was his facebook status with this picture: "When young men show up looking for Diana they sure better be polite or I just might make an introduction. Tell your boys, especially you Bajorek." Oh boy, Daddy is protective of his little girl already.

Friday, June 24, 2011

House Still Standing

Daddy was gone for three days and the house is still standing and Mommy still has all of her hair, she thinks. Jonathan is still at Mary's so that was a HUGE help. We had a busy few days and for the most part things went pretty goody with a few exceptions. Wed on the way home from Mary's, Jonathan fell and scraped his elbow and gashed his hand, good thing GB was already here and was taking care of Diana. This set Jonathan off to be real whiny all night as he kept bumping his hand or putting hand sanitizer on it, which burned. GB and I decided to do a photo shoot of Diana after JT went to bed. I must say we got some good pictures. Thurs I had my 6 week postpartum appointment and all is good. I have been released to normal activities and Dr. Marcotte reiterated how well everything went during surgery. After my dr appt, I went up to SCOB to see my nurse friends and it was weird, very very quiet. They only had 8 patients and only 3 nurses working. The good news was that Holly got to go to lunch with Diana and me. So fun! Diana was very snug in her pumpkin seat and slept for 4 hours. Thurs night we went and had dinner at the Bajorek's as Tim was at softball. Afterwards we went next door to the Calcitrai's where they had the neighborhood crew over to play on Tessa's new swingset. It was a lot of fun, ice cream cones and all. Night time was a bit of a disaster. JT was overly tired, Diana woke up to eat, lots of crying in the house. Then at 3 am Jonathan starts screaming, I had just gotten back into bed maybe 10 minutes earlier from feeding Diana. He had a bad dream apparently. I got him back to bed, so I thought, and 10 minutes later he was crying again. He asked if he could sleep in my bed, 10 minutes earlier I said no, but I needed some sleep so I caved. Jonathan did not want to go back to bed and didn't understand that it was 3 am and that he needed to be quiet, lay down and go back to bed. Finally I had him quiet at least in my bed and Diana starts crying to eat again (I am trying to nurse Diana full time now so she eats about every 2 hours as she often gets tired and falls asleep before she is really done eating). So 4 am, we all were in Diana's room, not really my idea of fun. We finally all got back to sleep around 5 am and slept until 7:30. We will be happy when Daddy gets home in a few hours.

Does Diana look like Holly?

Some people think Diana looks like me so I decided to post Diana's hospital picture and mine (I don't have Brad's). Yes, that is me despite the blue bow. I still have a complex about the blue bow they put on me...even if they did run out of pink bows, don't put a blue one on, I look like a boy.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

We love baby sister

Jonathan is doing so well with having baby sister around. There is NO jealousy at all. He does tend to get sad when Diana is getting attention when he wants it and he acts up a bit when I am busy feeding her, but aside from that he is really really good with her. He tells her that he loves her, gives her lots of kisses (maybe too many sometimes) and even has to go into her room in the mornings to check on her (which probably needs to stop)'s all very endearing. Jonathan's bear now does a lot of the same things that baby sister does. Jonathan will say bear is hungry or bear is sleeping so be quiet.

GB's Photoshoot

While the boys are gone, the girls will play. Daddy and Grandpa Weeks are both out of town for work so GB came to help me tonight with the kiddos. After we got Jonathan to bed, we had a photoshoot with Diana. I must say I think we got some good pictures. Diana was a really good sport about it and slept the whole time we were monkeying with her.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Worst Sleep

Worst night of sleep ever last night. Diana screamed the whole night. I was able to finally sleep from 6 to 7 am. She is spitting up more so I am not sure if that was the issue or what but all I know is this better not happen the rest of the week as Daddy is out of town Wed - Fri.

Pictures Taken

I took the kiddos to get their pictures taken today. Much more work and harder to pick pictures with two kids now. They both did pretty good though.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

We spent the day at GB and Grandpa Weeks' house today for Father's day. We were supposed to go to the pool but it rained. :-( We had fun indoors and made a special treat, homemade ice cream.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Another wonderful day at GB's pool. This time we were smarter and packed a lunch. We spent almost 4 hours at the pool. I think Jonathan would swim all day if we would let him. Jonathan has always been a little afraid of the water coming down from the mushroom in the baby pool. Today there were lots of little kids at the pool and Jonathan made friends with two little boys in particular. I think they helped him overcome some of his fears. At one point the one little boy kept going under the mushroom and GB and I were just watching Jonathan as he put the kickboard over his head and inched towards the mushroom. GB said to me, "Watch this, he has an idea" and sure enough under the mushroom water he went and was SO proud of himself. He also started to dive under the water for things, well sort of...he would close his eyes and mouth and reach down into the water to get a shark and maybe his chin and mouth would be under the water but he called it diving so we will go with it for now. GB and Jonathan also swam in the big pool, JT with his water wings on, and they played catch. It was a good challenge for Jonathan to keep kicking while throwing the ball to keep him afloat. Oh and Jonathan had to have blood drawn today as his lead levels are elevated. I thought it would just be a finger prick but they took it from his arm. Poor little guy. He was a trooper though and as soon as we got to the pool he forgot all about it.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Neonatologist Followup Appointment

Diana had her neonatalogist early discharge appointment today. On their scale she weighted 7 pounds 9 oz and is in the 50th % for height and weight and 80% for head. Dr. Wedig, neonatalogist, is concerned about her feet but that is her only concern, which is the good news. The bad news is that the leg exercises we have been doing for Diana don't seem to be helping much and Dr. Wedig wants us to go see an orthopedic. So on July 14th we have an appointment with the orthopedic where they may take xrays to see if it is a bone issue, hopefully not. Worst case scenario they would need to break her foot and cast her feet or maybe she will just need to wear special shoes. Stay tuned on the outcome of that appointment. I feel bad and wish she didn't have this issue but then I remind myself that if this is the worst and only thing we are dealing with, we can handle it and are very lucky. While we were at the appointment, two of my SCOB nurses, Deb and Jessie walked by so they got to see Diana wide awake. I also went to say hi to everyone else at SCOB after the appointment. It was fun to see those who were working that day. Sad to say, but I kind of miss my room there and all of the special care I got. Oh to go back to getting all the sleep I wanted. :-)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Coon Hat

Look what Jonathan got today! We are working on our back porch, or I should say Doug Peter, our carpenter, is working on it and brought Jonathan a racoon hat today that he made. Jonathan and Doug are best of buddies, as Jonathan says. Doug has been GREAT and let Jonathan "help" him fix the back porch. Jonathan is constantly asking "Doug, do you need my help yet?" Doug went over on his time estimate, I wonder why?!?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Raz Choc Chip

I think I enjoyed my black raspberry chocolate chip ice cream more than daddy for his birthday.

Growing Girl

Diana had her weight check today and in the 2 weeks, she has gained a pound. She is now 7# 8 oz. Go Diana! The doctor said whatever we were doing was working so to stick with it. I am going to try and nurse her 4 times a day now instead of 3. She was on a 8, 11, 2 and 5 am/pm eating schedule but we tried changing it to 9, 12, 3 and 6 but she keeps going back to the original one. Oh well. We are adding formula to her bottles so that they are 22 caloric intake, which means 1 tsp of formula for every 3 oz of breast milk. She normally drinks between 40-70 ml, or around 2 to 2 1/2 oz every 3 hours. She knows when it is 3 hours too!!! I used to have to set an alarm to feed her, not anymore. I could tell she has put on weight as her little cheeks are chubby and she has a double chin. She no longer wears preemie clothes, actually only did the first couple days home. She has been wearing newborn but I think those days might be limited as she can barely stretch out her legs in them. Her hair has really come in and is starting to be awake more.

Jonathan had a fun morning today watching Doug work on our back porch. He had to show Doug all his tools. I am debating keeping him home tomorrow, at least in the morning so he can "help" Doug.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Dunstan Baby Language

So last night was Diana's worst night of sleeping yet, not sure if she slept much. We decided to watch the Dunstan Baby Language video Shonda let us borrow, which talks about the different cries and what they mean. We figured out that Diana needs to burp more. Especially important to get a burp before you lay her down. Sleeping much better now. Thank you Shonda!!!

Happy Birthday Daddy

We celebrated Daddy's birthday today with Kyle and Amanda and then GB and Grandpa Weeks came for dessert. Aunt Amanda did a good job getting baby Diana to relax. I of course had to help daddy blow out the candles and open the presents. I love birthdays!!!

Cooking Breakfast

I helped mommy cook breakfast this morning. I was very busy in my kitchen and had such concentration.

Daddy let mommy sleep in this morning and this is what was posted on Facebook by Brad:

Now I can get back to reading the paper, "Jonathan, hold it a little higher, and when you get done I could use a warm up on the coffee."

Diana 1 Month

Diana is one month old already. She is already growing up too fast in my opinion and has changed a lot since she was born. Her she is laying on the quilt Nana made her with the bear I knitted for her.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Arms Up

Diana still loves to sleep with her arms up by her face. This is one of her favorite sleep positions. She does NOT like to be swaddled with her arms tucked in. So funny how kids are so different. Jonathan would not sleep unless he was tightly swaddled and would wake up the minute his arm came out. You can kind of see Diana's chubby cheeks in this picture. We are so proud of how well she is gaining weight.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

No Power

Left to go get Jonathan from daycare and we had power, came back to no power. The electric company said it should be back on around 9. No biggie, we will just order pizza. 8:45 no power, too hot for anyone to sleep upstairs so we decide to all camp out in the living room. By midnight everyone is stripped down to their underwear, except mom (why can't grown girls do that again?). At 1 am I debate loading the kids in the car to drive around in the ac. Diana and I still haven't slept, boys out cold. 2:2o am power comes back on. Still all slept downstairs until the house cooled off.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sweet Cheeks

Diana was actually awake after her 5 pm feeding tonight and Jonathan decided that she wanted to play on her activity mat. It was really cute, he got down on the floor with her and randomly said she has "sweet cheeks" and then he said "she is beautiful." It really was priceless.

GB's Pool

What a fun day! We went and swam at GB's pool today. It was so much fun and the only way to survive the heat yet again today. Even on the car ride up Jonathan said "this is going to be really fun!" and it was. Diana slept the whole time and Jonathan got a few swim lessons. We then went back to GB's and had lunch. Jonathan got to ride his new "motorcycle" up there and had a blast. Thanks GB!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Pool with Friends

Alex and Evan made Jonathan's day by asking him to come swim in their pool. Earlier that morning, Brad and I were inside, Brad making breakfast and I was feeding Diana, and Jonathan was outside playing and wanted one of us to play with him. At one point he got so sad and sat on our backporch stairs and was crying. It broke my heart! Glad he had fun with his friends later that day!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Red's Game

We went to the Red's game today with my parents group, HPPE. Boy was it HOT!!!! GB & Grandpa Weeks came to take care of Diana while we took Jonathan to the game. Jonathan had fun with his buddies Alex and Evan and the other kids at the game, not sure how much of the actual game he watched. We lasted until the top of the 9th and the kids decided it was time to go. It was fun but it could have been a little cooler and the Red's could have won.