Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Busy at School

Jonathan is continuing to enjoy the workshop at school and all of the "real life" tools that go along with it.  They are still studying the artist, Louise Nevelson.  Before conferences we began work with our mini "Nevelson" art form.  The children used recycled items to design their piece. The children will use copper colored paint for the overlay.  Some are 3 D, some have enclosures with items inside, some are minimalist--all different and unique.  

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Monkey See Monkey Do

Diana loves to try and do whatever Jonathan does these days.  Luckily, Jonathan enjoyes teaching Diana things.  Tonight Jonathan taught Diana how to look between her legs.  She thought it was so fun and kept doing it over and over.  She also laid right down next to Jonathan and copied whatever it was he did.


Watch your tomatoes, this little girl will eat them up!  I learned my lesson tonight by putting the salad plates on the dinner table before we sat down to eat.  I turn around and all of the tomatoes were gone off Brad's and my plates.  Oh and yes, she got a hold of a table knife and thought she was pretty cool.

Father Daughter Dance

Diana and Daddy had fun dancing together tonight.  I couldn't get a good picture because they were moving too fast but it was precious.  Brad was spinning Diana and dipping her and she LOVED it!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Happy Birthday Aunt Amanda

We celebrated Aunt Amanda's birthday tonight.  It was really great to have the cousins together.  Natalie and Jonathan enjoyed wrestling with Uncle Kyle and then the kids actually cooperated for a little bit to try and get a picture of them.  When Natalie was leaving, Diana and Natalie were being super cute and giving each other kisses. 

Pray for Her

Diana has been doing better in church lately, learning that she needs to be quiet and stay in the pew.  We have not been bringing the pacifier any more, which is a challenge, especially with keeping her quiet.  I haven't had to walk out with her though in a few weeks.  So today, Brad said, let's move up a few rows (we have always sat in the very last row) since Diana is being better.  Well, she proved us wrong today!  I brought her little purse that has a small coin purse in it with fabric coins.  She launched all four of them a few rows in front of us and then threw one back a row and hit a gentleman in the forehead.  Needless to say, it was not her best behavior today.  I love her dearly but oh dear is she a handful!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Where Did Diana Go?

Oh, there she is, inside her play kitchen!  Yep, she has a new hiding place. 

Thursday, February 21, 2013


I caught a glimpse of what my future might be like.  Jonathan had his buddy Rocco over to play today and I caught them wrestling upstairs (Rocco's dad wrestled with Brad in college).  It is very obvious that both of these boys like to wrestle with their dad and have gotten a few lessons. 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

POPs Bowling

We went bowling today with the St Mary POPs group and I think it was a huge hit!  Jonathan clearly got some good lessons not that long ago (thanks Grandpa Gordy!).  I think he was the only kid there throwing the ball with one hand with some good speed behind it.  Diana even got to take a spin at it and was very proud of herself.  Jonathan's friend McKenna also joined us and Diana had fun playing with her as well.

Monday, February 11, 2013


Diana was determined to fit inside this little basket tonight.  I kept telling her as she was screaming and get frustrated, "Diana, you are too big.  Diana you aren't going to fit."  I should know better by now with her.  If she wants to do something, she will figure out a way to get it done.  I actually like this personality trait of hers.  She is gonna be another "getter" done girl in the Hoehn family.

21 Month Update

Diana is becoming more and more of a toddler and less and less of a baby every day!  I feel like she is literally growing up before my eyes.  She is still holding true to her original personality traits of strong willed and independent.  Although these traits are a challenge some days and can be very exhausting, I am starting to appreciate them.  I want my daughter to be "tough" for every challenge life faces her with.  Some of the things that have changed with Diana over the last month...she now knows most of her face parts and will point to them when you ask her.  She is learning new words every day.  The biggest change for her probably is she has free rain of the house now.  We no longer block the stairs with the toy box.  She had learned how to pull it out and could get around it anyway so why bother.  Luckily she is VERY good at climbing up and down the stairs (she goes backwards on her belly) so I don't worry too much, it does still scare me though for multiple reasons (will she fall and what is she going to get into?).  It's cute though listening to her little pitter patter upstairs when I am downstairs.  Usually she ventures upstairs to get her pacifier out of her bed.  We have been making her leave it in there and she is only supposed to have it when she is sleeping.  However, about 5 pm every day when I am starting to cook dinner, she crawls upstairs and gets it, comes back down with it and smiles at me.  She is so proud of herself!  She is still a good sleeper and goes to bed at night so easily!  We are very lucky.  Both of our kids go to bed at night really good and normally never wake up, unless they are sick or teething.  I am finding out this is not necessarily the norm but I sure am happy it's the norm in our house!  Jonathan is by far Diana's best friend and favorite thing in the whole world.  She gets sad when he leaves without her and as soon as she wakes up from her nap she says, "bro bro."  We normally have to get our shoes on right away as she thinks we can go get him from school.  She continues to be a good eater but has different taste than Jonathan. She could take or leave pizza, which we all know is Jonathan's favorite, and she loves beans, which Jonathan has never liked.  She does have a sweet tooth though.  Mention the word ice cream around this girl and she will do a happy dance, but you better get her that ice cream or it will quickly turn into crying and stomping.   She also loves chocolate.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Fun Times with Snow

Who knew snow was so much fun!  Jonathan got to dye snow with food coloring, make snow angels, play baseball with snowballs, help shovel, "relax" in the snow and build a snowman so big that he might not melt until spring!  It was snowing the day the kids were leaving MN and Jonathan enjoyed every minute of it.  His gear was so wet that Nana had to dry it before she could pack it!

Cross Country Skiing

Jonathan got to experience cross country skiing in MN.  He said he enjoyed it and it looks like he did better than I did when I was younger.  The kid LOVES the snow!  He fell a couple of times but he would get right back up and keep going.  He even got brave and went down a hill by himself.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Trouble & Trouble

Could it get more guilty than this?!?!  Diana discovered Special K cereal with dried strawberries while we were in California.  The only problem, she only wants the strawberries.  Here Grandpa Gordy is sifting through the cereal to find the strawberries for Diana.  Spoiled!

Smell my Hands

The hand scrub/lotion tradition continues on from California with Nana and Jonathan.  It looks like Auntie Heidi has joined in on the fun now too!  Diana is obsessed as well and has to wash her hands every night now.  She always wants you to smell her hands afterwards...wonder where she got that from?!?

Relaxin MN Style

This is how you relax in Grandpa Gordy's massage chair.  Grandpa Gordy doesn't read that many books but he is always willing to read to Jonathan.  Very special!


Jonathan got to go bowling at Southtown Bowl (which is where I grew up bowling) this morning and he got his first STRIKE!!!  He must have a good teacher.

So excited, I love it!!!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Rainforest Cafe

The kids got spoiled with dinner at the Rainforest Cafe in the Mall of America.  Diana wasn't too sure about all of the storm noises but really enjoyed the food.  Jonathan got a kick out of the "real" and very large glass of chocolate milk...he got seconds.  He also had fun looking at all of the animals.

How Many Rides Can you Go On?

I don't even want to know what this costs...but the kids sure had fun going on ALL (literally I think all of the ones they could go on) of the rides at Nickelodeon Univerese within the Mall of America.  Diana was a little heart broken when she couldn't go on some of the rides but still loves that merry-go-round.  I can't believe Jonathan went on the ride in the first picture...not only did he go once but multiple times.  He must take after his father in regards to rides.