Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tired Boys

Mommy just caught daddy and I taking a nap together in mommy and daddy's bed. Mommy said we were too cute for words but she was surprised that I was able to sleep at all with daddy's loud snoring.


Look...I got a new guitar...another present that Foy left behind. Pretty soon I will have my own band. I like to play and sing my song from music class..."Hello to..." usually sing hello to Connor and whatever is on my shirt.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

"Puff It"

Mommy and I have been walking to Mimi's in the mornings. I like to push the stroller instead of ride in it these days....oh and I get easily sidetracked and like to take everything in. A normal 5 minute walk now takes 30 minutes. I especially like it when our neighbors cats are outside and I get to "puff (pet) it." Mommy likes how I say "pet" so I usually get to play with the cats for awhile.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ice Cream - first of the season

Mommy and I walked to Creamy Whip tonight for my very own first ice cream cone. I want to go to Creamy Whip every night now....can you tell I take after my mommy????

Sunday, April 11, 2010

2 Year Pictures

We got my 2 year pictures taken today.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bubble Bubbles Everywhere

I love my new bubble machine that Alivia, Rocco and Liliana got me for my birthday...thank you. There are so many bubbles everywhere that I can't catch them all...although I like to try with my hands, tongue, tennis racket...really anything. I get so excited about all the bubbles I run all over and squeal.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

New Trick At Mimi's

I discovered a new trick...while I am supposed to be napping at Mimi's, I decide to try and get my pants and diaper off. So far I have been successful 3 times on 2 different days. From Mary's perspective: she comes in and checks on us and she walks in and sees a bare bottom up in the air. Jonathan is sound asleep but naked from waist down. She said she about had a stroke.

Although everyone thinks this is funny, I was told I couldn't do it anymore.

Monday, April 5, 2010

2 Year Check-up

I had my 2 year check-up today and I weighed in at 30 lbs 3 oz and was 36" long. The nurse was impressed with how much I have grown. I am 75 percentile for both height and weight. I only had to get 1 shot ("medicine") yesterday for Hep A. I barely cried again but Bear had to get the shot before me just to make sure it was ok. The Doctor said he could tell I have been brushing my teeth and said I was healthy as could be. I was such a good boy at the doctor that Mommy took me to the park afterwards and then came home and had ice cream.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Silly Amanda

Look what Amanda and I were doing on our walk home from the egg hunt...

Oh and she made yummy cupcakes for dessert too!

Another Egg Hunt

We had another egg hunt today at the Pusateri house with all of my neighborhood friends. I am really getting the hang of this candy in the egg much so that I can now open my own candy and if I can't...well I guess I will just eat the wrapper too.

Scratch 'N Sniff

The Easter bunny got me a "scratch 'n sniff" book. Mommy said she had it when she was young too. I love the cookie page.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Coloring Eggs

I colored Easter eggs today with Mommy while Daddy mowed the lawn for the first time of the season.