Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Friday, April 24, 2009

Lawn Mowing

Daddy is excited that I have gotten better at pushing my lawn mower. Won't be long now until I can help him mow the real lawn!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

GB Toy

GB won't buy me toys that require batteries but she did find me a toy that is very loud and I love it!!! I have gotten much better at walking with it too.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Reading in Bed

I learned how to pull books into my bed today. I woke up at 6:30 this morning but was really quiet so Mommy thought I fell back asleep but then at 7 she looked and I had two books in my bed. One has a circle in it and I was pulling my blankie through it. It was really fun! Then for my morning nap when I woke up, I laid down at the end of my bed, reached for my books and pulled them between the slots of my crib. Mommy was watching me on the monitor and was impressed. I was as happy as could be. I would get a book, look at it for awhile and get another one. Mommy said it was really really cute!

Wrestling With Daddy

I like it when did wrestles with me. He is teaching me all of his tricks. Our favorite places to wrestle are the couch and the bed.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


We had a great Easter spending it at GB and Grandpa Weeks' house. We actually were there with Kyle and Amanda from Saturday evening until Sunday evening. Holly got to try lamb and actually enjoyed it. Jonathan was a good little boy, slept well in his pack n play, didn't destroy anything at Grandma and Grandpa's house and was even good during church Sunday morning. He loved his Easter basket and discovered he likes jelly beans and chocolate. Does the picture of him with no pants remind you of Risky Business?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Egg Hunt

I went on an egg hunt today with my friends Alivia, Conner, Paxton and Alex. I was satisfied with just getting one egg. Maybe next year I will grasp the idea a little better.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Check Out My New Ride

I love my new Cozy Coupe from the Bajorek's. I can't wait to have races with Alex this summer with his car. I really like stearing wheels...learning to drive at a young age.