Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Jonathan's New Words

Jonathan has two new words he uses all the time...alright and certainly. Not sure where he learned them but he cracks me up when he says them...he sounds so grown up. He actually uses them in sentences correctly too.

Jonathan also got to meet his teachers, Mrs. Eagle and Mrs. Marshall, today as they made a home visit. I was upstairs trying to get pictures together for his teachers when they came, about 10 minutes early and Jonathan took it upon himself to open the front door. Great first impression! We will need to work on NOT opening the door and/or put a higher lock on the door. Jonathan then went into "show off mode" and was very hyper...I am sure the teachers were like oh great! He even dragged them to the third floor to show them his bedroom, which he has to do whenever someone comes over. He only has 10 kids in his class, 7 of which are boys...including Alex. I liked the teachers and think it will be a fun year.

A Little Better

I think we might be getting used to our shoes. As long as Diana was being held yesterday she was fine with her shoes on. She doesn't like to put weight on her feet, which I don't blame her. She fussed last night from 9-11:30 pm but then settled in her bed for some sleep until 2 am when I got up and fed her and calmed her down again. She then slept until 6 am and woke up as my happy baby. She enjoyed some shoe free time this morning and has been better. She wakes herself up when she is sleeping because she kicks her shoes together and it makes a loud noise. I am waiting until Friday to put the brace in because we are leaving Diana with GB and Kyle/Amanda tonight and tomorrow night as Brad and I have things going on. I am hoping the brace will help the clicking noise, but think it will take some getting used to as well.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Upset Little Girl

It is safe to say that Diana does not like her shoes. Shortly after I wrote my last past about how she was asleep in her bed, she woke up SCREAMING and pretty much didn't stop for longer than 30 minutes until 3 am (Jonathan stayed at GB's and Brad slept upstairs while Diana and I tried to sleep in my bed). There were numerous times when I wanted to take off Diana's shoes and "rescue" my little baby girl. But we held strong together and have made it 24 hours without taking them off. This of course did not happen without a few tears being shed by mommy. She is supposed to get an hour a day with her shoes off which I have been dreading taking them off because I know it will be hard to get them back on. However, watching my smiling, happy, normal baby for that 30 minutes was well worth it. Shortly after I put her shoes back on, I put her in her bouncer and was heading outside with Jonathan to play baseball while Diana watched on the back porch...she was happy as a clam in her bouncer, smiling and talking to her "friends" but got so excited that she kicked her shoes off 3 times. I think the bouncer might be a toy of the past because putting these shoes on is not the easiest task.

Here is a picture of the mark that is already on both ankles from her shoes stretching her feet.

Talking up a storm and kicking with her shoes off.

Happy Girl!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Diana Ortho Appt

Diana had her Ortho appointment today with Dr. Mehlman and this appointment went SO much better than the one with Dr. Tamai. Dr. Mehlman said Diana has "positional club feet meaning because she was breech her feet turn in. His method of fixing this is different than Dr. Tamai and therefore Diana will not need casts. Dr. Mehlman perscribed shoes and a brace for Diana to wear 23 hours a day for the next 3 months. On November 28th, she will have a follow-up appointment with Dr. Mehlman to see how well the shoes are working. He will decide then if she can go to wearing the shoes/brace for 12 hours a day. I was told to expect that Diana will need to wear the shoes/brace at night until she is about 3 years of age. The tricky part I guess is that club foot can actually come back, which I did not realize. I really liked Dr. Mehlman and he was so good with Diana, it made me realize how awful Dr. Tamai was in my opinion. Dr. Mehlman was able to examine Diana while she remained sleeping in my arms. The only time she cried was when he tried to straighten both feet out for a picture. Now, the fitting of the shoes at the ortho store didn't go as well. She screamed! She was as hot pink as the shirt she was wearing but the guy helping us said this is totally normal as the shoe was putting her foot in a position she is not used to nor probably will like. He told me to just let her wear the shoes for a couple of days and then attach the brace to them to help her get used to the shoes first. I think we have a long road ahead but I am happy that we are correcting her feet. Lately, when she has been trying to stand while I hold her up, whenever she puts weight on her legs, they automatically turn and she stands on the outsides of her feet. She is asleep in her crib right now so hopefully it won't be as bad as I am thinking but I was like "oh great, she just started sleeping through the night and now this." Oh well, I want her feet fixed so if it means less sleep for the two of us, so be it. One thing I have learned from everything I have gone through and my experience with the two ortho doctors, is that you should always get a second opinion. It is crazy to me how doctors opinions can be so different. I don't really understand why and how this can be but I know from now on, if I don't like a doctor or am not comfortable with their opinions, I will not hesitate to get another opinion. Thank you to GB for watching Jonathan all day while I took care of Diana!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Diana's Photoshoot

Here are a couple sneak peeks at the photos I had taken of Diana on Sunday. More to come as the photographer releases them to me.

More Switch Hitting

Switch Hitter

Brad is training Jonathan early to be a switch hitter. He is actually surprisingly good batting left handed.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

MN Favorites

Today Jonathan and I were playing with his playdoh and I asked him what he was making as he was cutting the playdoh in long strips. He said "worms". Then he was cutting really small pieces and I asked what he was making now...his response "popcorn. Fish like popcorn too." Hm, I wonder where he got that idea (Grandpa Gordy). I also love the shirt he picked out this morning to wear, his snoopy zamboni shirt (thank you Farmer Denny and Maxine)!

Spoiled Diana and Zoo

Daddy took Diana and Jonathan to the zoo today so I could get some pampering (pedicure and haircut) as an early birthday present. I had a very relaxing, enjoyable morning but I can't say the same for Brad. As he said it was a "frustrating" morning. The zoo was busy and people weren't being "respectful" and both kids had their own issues. I didn't realize but it has been awhile since Diana has had a bottle and needless to say she did NOT like it. After about 2 hours of Brad trying to give her the bottle, she finally drank about 3 oz but was less than thrilled. I came home nursed her and she gave me a big smile and was happy as a clam. I think she will be getting a bottle once a day this week because we can't have this!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Watch Out

Brad just hooked up a computer for me in my kitchen! Our internet is so fast now...I hope this means more blogging.

Go Daddy Go

Daddy decided to go for a run tonight and Jonathan really wanted to join (he saw his friend Tessa running with her mommy yesterday). Daddy planned a route so he would pass our house 4 times so every time, Jonathan would go out and meet Daddy at the corner, run with him for our block and then cheer "Go Daddy Go" until Daddy returned. I bet Daddy didn't know he would have a cheerleader and running partner tonight.

Mommy look

For the past two mornings when Jonathan and I are hanging out in the morning in our PJ's, I will hear "mommy look" or I will just hear giggling and I will look and Jonathan's bear bottom is staring at me. Who knows where he picked this up from but for now I think it is hilarious. I am sure at some point it will embarass me to no end but for now I am going to enjoy the giggles we both share.


Jonathan was "helping" me landscape today, which led to him just watering all of the landscaping, which was short lived and turned into playing with the water hose. For those of you who remember October a few years ago when Jonathan and Grandpa Gordy were playing with the water hose, this is what today reminded me of. I used to hate Jonathan getting dirty and/or wet if he wasn't in the right play clothes or if the timing was bad but I figure now its just part of being a kid, right?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dr Seuss Camp Update

Jonathan did great at being dropped off on Monday for day camp. Tuesday and Wednesday not so much at ALL. He screamed and cried. It was awful for both of us! The teachers basically just told me I need to leave. When I ask him about why he cries like that when I drop him off he says he doesn't want me to leave and then he made a comment about how my "belly" still hurt me. I know he has always had a bit of a problem with separation anxiety and being left but I wonder if my hospital stay has effected him more than I realize. Today he did a little better. He was trying to be brave but he said goodbye to me a little too early, at the door at the end of the hallway and not at the classroom. We walked down the hall together, he put his backpack and lunch in his cubby and then as soon as we got to the door of his classroom, he cried. It wasn't as bad today and the teacher said by the time he was done washing his hands, he was fine. I think the year of preschool ahead might be a challenge.

Tuesday he read the ABC's book, Wednesday was the Bartholomew and the Oobleck and today was Mr Brown can moo! Can You? It sounds like he is having fun at camp and is enjoying the stories and playing with his friends. We just need to work on the dropoff.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

She Did It Again

Diana slept through the night again! We are so proud of our little girl. She really is a good baby. She is starting to smile and coo a lot. I think Jonathan is her favorite person. Every time she sees him she smiles. It is absolutely priceless.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Dr Seuss Camp Day 1

Today was Jonathan's first day of summer camp at the school where he will be attending preschool this fall. He was less than thrilled when he first woke up this morning to go to camp and was in tears. After a little convincing and most importantly getting out his backpack and lunch box, he was all set to go and even a little excited. Daddy called on our way to camp and put a smile on Jonathan's face. He was also excited to see his friends, Alex, Rocco and Alivia who were in camp with him. The camp has a Dr Seuss theme and today they read the Foot book by Dr Seuss. Jonathan told me they read that book, played outside a bit, had a snack, ate lunch and sang songs. He failed to mention that he did foot painting until I took his socks off and noticed the paint left on his feet and toes.

Diana Slept...

...through the night! It was weird to wake up at 6 am and not have been up in the middle of the night. She went 10 hours without eating. I hope this continues!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Napping in the Hammock

Jonathan has already discovered the best place to nap...down by the lake in a hammock. It took some help from Daddy but Jonathan took a 3 hour nap in the hammock today. Seriously, don't you just love the cabin?!? That is the life!

Diana and I took a nap in the hammock yesterday together, it was so relaxing and peaceful! I enjoyed the special time with my daughter.

Water Fight

I think my days of relaxing/floating in the lake are over. Jonathan decided to splash me which led to a water gun fight that ended with a bucket of water being poured on me.

MN Cabin

Here are some fun pictures from our few days at Grandpa Gordy and Nana's cabin. It was very relaxing and fun to be up there for some time this summer. Thank you to Grandpa Gordy, Nana, Auntie Heidi and Uncle Jason for spending as much time as you did with us, playing with the kiddos and letting me get caught up on my sleep (much appreciated!).

It was a little windy and sunny so Daddy made Diana a fort.
Again this summer, Jonathan thinks it is fun to "drive" Grandpa Gordy's boats.

I enjoyed swinging with Diana.

Thumbs up to swimming in the hot tub.

Daddy and his baby girl!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Dance Dance Dance

What a beautiful wedding we got to be part of today. My cousin Brady and his now wife Chrissy got married today outside overlooking a lake in WI. It was so great to see everyone and a wonderful reason to celebrate. Jonathan of course LOVED the dancing.

The next morning, I think he was a little sleep deprived from all of the dancing and we had a bit of a meltdown trying to put on his sweatshirt by himself. (We are very independent these days and have to dress ourselves). Lucky Brad got to experience this one and said "This is the place where independence meets frustration. Note the zipper."

Friday, August 12, 2011

Bike Races

Grandpa Gordy and Nana bought Jonathan a John Deer bike for their house and the cabin. They even had a helmet for Jonathan...notice though that Grandpa Gordy's is hanging from the handle bar? Jonathan was amazing on the bike...we were all impressed. He just hopped on and away he went. As Brad remarked on Facebook, "Jonathan crushing grandpa in bike race after bike race."

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Diana 3 Month Checkup

Diana had her 3 month checkup today and weighs 11 # 11.6 ounces and was 21.5 inches long. She is staying on her growth chart. I have noticed that developmentally she is a little behind and the doctor did some extra tests today to make sure everything is ok and it is. As the doctor said she is just "delayed" and is acting her gestational age, not her birth age. She is smiling, cooing and tracking things, she just isn't consistently doing them. The doctor told me not to worry. She got the rotavirus vaccinne today and Jonathan asked if he could wait in the hall while she got it as she screams really loud he said. Fortunately, it was an oral vaccinne so no screaming.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Alien Hands

While we were painting stop and go signs, Jonathan's had a "great idea" to paint his hands and make alien some on his nose too. Good thing it is washable paint.

Slip 'n Slide

After getting to swim at Momma G's today with Dean, Jonathan got to go to Alex and Evan's house to slip 'n slide. If we had a flatter yard I am sure one of these would be in our future too. Jonathan loves it! Little Miss Diana fell asleep in the swing like a pretty little princess while the boys played. Thanks to Daddy for taking the kiddos over to the Bajorek's to play so I could go to the grocery. we then had the Bajorek's over for dinner an the boys sure had fun playing together. I think they had every toy, blanket, pillow and gadget scattered throughout the house...we should have taken a picture of that.

Friday, August 5, 2011


Diana is a little diva at the pool today. It is so HOT that I bought her a clip on battery operated fan for her car seat. Amanda bought her fun sunglasses (thank you!). She is loving life today!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Laundry Basket

The laundry must have to get done why not put Diana in it. She loved it!!! I couldn't capture it in a picture but she was smiling and cooing.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Diana in the Jumperoo

I might have jumped the gun on the jumperoo for Diana. At first she liked it but quickly fell asleep and clearly her legs are too short to reach the floor yet.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Woodland Mound

We went to Woodland Mound (water spray park) today with my mom's group. There were so many of Jonathan's little friends there: Alex, Evan, Rocco, Alivia, Tessa, and Sadie. It was a great time! Diana slept the whole time like a little angel. Of course Jonathan convinced me to get ice cream, which is real hard.