Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Little Better

I think we might be getting used to our shoes. As long as Diana was being held yesterday she was fine with her shoes on. She doesn't like to put weight on her feet, which I don't blame her. She fussed last night from 9-11:30 pm but then settled in her bed for some sleep until 2 am when I got up and fed her and calmed her down again. She then slept until 6 am and woke up as my happy baby. She enjoyed some shoe free time this morning and has been better. She wakes herself up when she is sleeping because she kicks her shoes together and it makes a loud noise. I am waiting until Friday to put the brace in because we are leaving Diana with GB and Kyle/Amanda tonight and tomorrow night as Brad and I have things going on. I am hoping the brace will help the clicking noise, but think it will take some getting used to as well.

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