Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

18 Month Checkup

I had my 18 month check-up today. I was very good at the doctors office and enjoyed saying hi to the other kids in the waiting room and looking in the "fun" mirror. I weigh 27 pounds and 6 ounces, I sat on the baby scale today so it is more accurate than my 15 month check-up. I am 32 1/2 inches tall. 50% for height and 75% for weight. The doctor said I am perfect. She was impressed with my talking and animals sounds. She walked in and was talking about her "puppies" on the wall and I pointed and said "arfff arfff." She thought it was cute so she asked me a bunch of other animals, all of which I nailed. I had two shots today but barely cried, more whined and tried to move away.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

So Tired

How precious is this? I was exhausted after my busy week in MN that I feel asleep eating my frozen "gogurt."

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Saturday in MN

I got to go to Auntie Heidi's and Uncle Jason's this morning and played on their swingset. Do I look like I am up to no good???

Granpa went to a garage sale and got me a tractor riding toy, a cash register, a popcorn popper push toy and a truck. I got spoiled!!!

So fun on Granpa's shoulders...we took lots of walks to the duck pond too at the end of the street.

And then we surprised Mommy with a party with her friends. It was hard to get everyone in the picture but I had lots of friends to play with too...Ellie, Zachery, and Luke.

Great trip to MN! I was an excellent boy on the plane, so I can come back. Miss everyone already!

Friday, September 25, 2009

MN Visit Continued

Auntie Heidi would watch me before Mommy got home and so Nana could make dinner for all of us. We played a lot outside...running up/down hills, playing with the leaves (she was really funny in the leaves), swinging or riding my new riding toy.

Uncle Jason would wrestle and flip me! He filled the void of Daddy not being there. Uncle Jason is fun!

MN Visit

Mommy had to go to MN for work this week so I went and Nana and Grandpa took care of me. Auntie Heidi and Jason came over every night to see me too. We had so much fun!

Nana and Grpa took me to a really cool park Wed & Thurs. It's the one my mommy went to when she was little.
Nana and Granpa took me to the grocery store and I made a bee line for the car cart, Mommy forgot to tell them how much I like this type of cart.

Nana and Grandpa took me to a really fun kids bookstore on had a kiddie door just for little ones and pets (cats, roosters, etc.) running all over.

Granpa found a computer for me in one of his rental properties...hence the reason it is pink, but I don't care, I love it!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Molar Molar

I got my other upper molar today. 10 teeth total now. I am finally catching up.

You can kind of see my other bottom two teeth I recently got...This is a funny face I make often. Auntie Heidi finally got it on camera!

Monday, September 14, 2009

First Day At Mary's

Today was my first full day at Mary's (new daycare). I went 2 days last week with Mommy for a couple hours and 1 day without her for 2 hours. I of course screamed when Mommy left but was easily distracted. Mary had me do finger painting, which is a first. I loved it! Mary called me a little Picasso. Mommy was very worried about nap time because I have been spoiled at TT's with my own room and a quiet house...but I actually slept 1 1/2 hours. When I woke up my buddy Alex and I chatted. I of course miss TT and Dean but had a great first day to my new adventure.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Molar

TT discovered my first molar (upper right) today. I really do like to get all of my teeth at once. I am working on my other upper molar too.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Daddy and Uncle Jason have been teaching me how to juggle. Look how good I am getting.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sitting in a Box

I had so much fun today sitting in a box...opening and closing it around myself. I tipped out a couple of times but got right back in.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Daddy teaching me bad things....

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Two Slits

TT confirmed with Mommy that I have two little slits and can start to feel my two bottom side teeth! Mommy is very excited that I finally cut some teeth, she has only been saying I have been teething since March.