Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Fun at the Red's for Diana

Diana got to skip her nap today to witness Jonathan’s big event.  She did really well while we were at the game but she was asleep before we got out of the parking garage.  She has also become obsessed with Rosie Red.

Red’s Run On

Jonathan was chosen to partake in the Red’s Head Kids Club Run On event today at the Red’s event.  He got to run on the field right before the game started and meet a player.  He was assigned third base, which should have been Todd Frazier, which would have been very exciting but since Joey Votto wasn’t playing that day, Frazier was moved to first base, which meant that Jonathan got to meet Ramon Santiago.  Either way, it was a very cool experience and I’m not sure how many other 6-year-olds have gotten to be on the field, get a baseball signed and meet a player.  Jonathan was pretty quiet about the event that day, think he was taking it all in. He is pretty proud of his baseball though. 

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July!

We had a fun night celebrating the 4th of July with the Hamilton’s. A simple BBQ, some homemade beer for the dad’s, pop rocks candy, sparklers and pop-it’s for the kids and lots of laughs for us mom’s. We were able to see some fireworks from our front lawn as well.

Cousin Playdate

The kids and I decided to watch Natalie and Andrew for a little bit today to help Kyle and Amanda out.  While Diana and Natalie were busy playing babies, Jonathan entertained and feed Andrew.  At one point, Jonathan said to me, “They [Natalie and Diana] just play so well together.”  And “I am glad Diana has someone else to play babies with now.” 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

In the World of Jonathan

If Jonathan’s not busy playing with friends, at the pool or playing sports, you can find him playing with Legos or board games.  Jonathan loves to build the Lego kits and then play with them and does this almost daily this summer.  He always loves to play board games.  It’s fun now that Diana can play too, although Jonathan gets mad when she doesn’t play exactly as the rules say.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Happy Birthday Dean

We got to celebrate Dean’s birthday at Entertrainment Junction today.  What a fun day!  The kids got to play, look at some trains, have pizza and cupcakes and then “drive” a train.