Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Our Own Egg Hunt

Since Diana didn't make the church egg hunt GB decided to have one here for her.  She LOVED it!  It was really fun to watch how excited she got.  We let Diana go first and then we rehid the eggs, in harder places, to let Jonathan take a turn.  The funniest part was Jonathan had one egg left to find and it was the easiest one, he was basically standing on top of it.  When he finally found it he fell over laughing.  It was a great Easter!  Very blessed to have spent it with everyone, especially Grandma Lucille and Mike.

Kite Flying

Jonathan has been wanting a kite forever and the Easter bunny brought him one in his basket today.  A golf course is a GREAT place to fly a kite!

Pretty Easter Dress & Bonnet

Diana looked pretty cute on Easter Sunday.  Sorry for so many pictures, I couldn't decide whichone I liked.  Jonathan changed into his "muscle" shirt pretty quickly so we didn't get any pictures together which was a bummer.  Oh well!

Sleepy Kids

We woke up the kids to go to 7 am mass but before we could go to church, they had to find their Easter baskets.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Daddy Swim Time

The kids have the best Daddy ever!!!  They had a blast swimming with him today, he is so much fun.  Of course Diana had to do whatever Jonathan was doing, which included jumping off from the high wall, and she LOVED it!  She is a little dare devil.

Pool Time

The kids love GB & Grandpa's new pool at the country club.  I like it too, as the zero entry is really nice with Diana.  Although I thought she might just sit there and play in the water...not sure why I thought that, silly me.  She got braver and braver each day to the point where she would walk out as far as she could, water up to her nose, before she would reach for your hand.  She also would go to the side of the pool and say "jump" and didn't really care if you were there to catch her or not, of course someone always was.  We did have to make sure there were snacks at the pool though as her attention span with the pool is no where near Jonathan's.  Jonathan amazed me with his swimming, picked right back up from where he left off and more.  He now does somersaults under the water and is practicing his back float.  He can hold his breath for a really long time and swim under water, probably longer than me.  The kids were even doing wheelbarrows in the pool.  Too cute!

Egg Hunt

The kids had fun filling Easter eggs for the egg hunt today at the church.  Surprisingly they were more interested in filling the eggs than eating the candy.  Don't get me wrong, they ate their fair share of it.
Unfortunately, only Jonathan made it to the egg hunt, Diana was still sleeping.  Jonathan got a ton of eggs and was so sweet.  He came home and shared with Diana.  What a good big brother!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Bike Riding

GB found a bike for Jonathan to borrow while we are in Florida.  The only problem, it doesn't have training wheels...but I think this will be good practice for him.  Jonathan thinks the bike is super cool.  We went out riding today and Grandpa joined us.  He showed us his trick...riding without holding the handles (very neat).  Jonathan said, "I don't think I am ready for that yet."  Ha!  The kid cracks me up!

Look Who is 5!

Jonathan is one whole hand today!  I can't believe it!  Happy Birthday Jonathan!

Sleepy Diana

I think Diana played and partied too hard today.  She curled up on the couch next to Grandpa to watch some basketball.  This was the longest I have seen her sit for a long time.

Ice Cream Cake

Jonathan got a very special spider man ice cream cake!  Diana couldn't wait to eat it and kept pointing to it saying, "Me!"  We got a thumbs up from the birthday boy!

More Presents

Jonathan got to open more presents down in Florida.  I believe this was his third time opening presents for his 5th birthday and we aren't done yet, we are celebrating once more with the Hoehn family in April.  I love the pure excitement kids get opening presents.  Jonathan got spoiled with the castle playmobile stuff he wanted, transformer legos, conveyor belt and a new golf shirt from GB & Grandpa and then Grandma Lucille gave him a train watch and bank and Mike gave him money!

Special Family Time

We all had special quality time with the birthday boy today!  It was so wonderful that Grandma Lucille and Mike came to visit us as well while we were in Florida.  What a special day!