Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Nana & Auntie Heidi Visit

Nana and Auntie Heidi came to visit for Mommy's We had a great time and I think they need to come every year for Mommy's bday. :-)

Auntie Heidi entertaining me while I waited for my mac n cheese at Bonefish.

Nana, Auntie Heidi, bear and me being silly with pipe cleaners. I really enjoyed going to the 3rd floor to wake up Nana and Auntie Heidi. I would tell them that the sun was up and it was time to wake up....mommy of course wouldn't let me go up until at least 8 am. By that time I was ready to PLAY and Nana and Auntie Heidi needed some time to wake up.
Nana made sure that my suit and tux fit for Kyle and Amanda's wedding...she did have to hem my tux pants a bit. She also measured me for my Halloween costume! Here I am in my tux, tape measure in hand (which I think to use as my ski rope) and on the "train" (i.e., couch with all of the cushions off). I think I made Nana and Auntie Heidi spend more time on the train than anything else the 4 days they were here. Tuesday night after they left, I was jumping on the couch, popped a spring so the days of taking the cushions off the couch are sad!

Newport Aquarium

Today Mommy, Nana, Auntie Heidi and I went to the Newport Aquarium for the first time. What a cool place! At first I was a little too excited was squealing and running all over, not really looking at anything but eventually I calmed down and really enjoyed looking at the fish, octupus, jelly fish, sharks, oh and the scuba divers! They were cleaning the tanks on our way out so we stayed a lot longer to watch the scuba divers. My favorite was the guy who would lay back and blow rings...very neat! I know pretend I am a scuba diver. Can you see the sharks behind me?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Mommy

Does it look like Mommy's bday or mine? I still really enjoy opening other people's presents and blowing out their candles. Glad the house didn't burn down with all the candles for mommy.

Auntie Heidi and Uncle Jason even bought me a gift for Mommy's I have something to hammer on, other than mommy's walls. Mommy and Daddy are thrilled! A special thank you to GB, Grandpa Weeks, Nana, Auntie Heidi and Daddy for making mommy's bday so special this year.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Something on my fingers

I have really been enjoying bath time in Mommy and Daddy's tub (i.e., jacuzzi) lately. Tonight I was in there so long that my hands were all shriveled when I finally got out. I kept telling Mommy that I had something on my fingers. I couldn't quiet grasp the idea that my fingers got this way because of being in my bath for so long.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Spoiled by Kyle & Amanda

I got spoiled by Uncle Kyle & Amanda tonight. Mommy and Daddy went to a tennis tournament and Kyle and Amanda came over to play with me and took me out to dinner. Look at the HUGE sundae with every single topping possible I got for dessert!

Friday, August 20, 2010

We went to St.Mary's fun fest tonight and I got to go on my first ride all by myself! Mommy wasn't too sure about this, she thought I would cry since I had to go on it alone but I didn't even care. I did of course have to ride the green car though. Oh and they should probably make better seat belts as I got mine unbuckled before Mommy could even get to me when the ride was over. I also got to jump in a bouncy house a couple of times. I now prentend that if I take all the cushions off the couch and put them on the floor, it is "my bouncy house" and I jump around.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Superman and Dinosaur Egg

Daddy learned tonight not to let me pick out the ice cream flavors. Mom had a HPPE meeting so Daddy took me to get ice cream as a special treat. Since it was cheaper to get one bowl of ice cream with 2 scoops instead of 2 bowls with one scoop we shared and I got to pick the flavors. Of course I went for the green one...Dinosaur Egg and the wild colored Superman ice cream. A couple hours later mommy got home and daddy said "Dinosaur Egg and Superman don't mix." We think he had a belly ache.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

My Buddies

Alex and Evan have become my best buddies these days. I talk about them all the time and want them to come over here to play or go to their house. Today they came over to play and look at how quickly we can destroy a room...I think this was within 5 minutes.
But look at how cute we are...