Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Monday, December 31, 2012


Uncle Jason and Daddy are to blame for the fact that he even knew how to do this!


I am now officially freaked out about the idea of Jonathan turning 16 and being able to drive a car!  Jonathan got to drive his own snowmobile, they call them kitty cats, today.  Despite the freezing cold weather (5 degrees, not counting windchill), Jonathan had a blast!!!  I love this video because it starts off so funny (well funny now, but it scared all of us, even Grandpa Gordy, with how fast Jonathan took off in it).   Jonathan was driving like a maniac, so fast, and my mom turned and looked at me and said, "I wonder where he gets that from?"  Of course, he gets that from his father!  Speeding might be one of the few traits I was hoping Jonathan didn't get from Brad but it doesn't look like that is going to go my way.  Jonathan came awfully close to hitting the fence a couple of times, but to my knowledge he only hit it once, luckily I was inside with Diana and missed it.  He was actually surprisingly very good with driving the kitty cat, for never having driving anything on his own before.  He said this was his favorite thing he did in MN and can't wait to do it again next year.  Lord help us!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sucker Time


There is no better place to relax than at the cabin.  The kids were enjoying their lazy morning.  Diana rarely lays down or sits still for that matter so it was particularly cute in my opinion that she crawled up in the chair to be like bro-bro and relax. 

Friday, December 28, 2012

A Letter From Dad

What'd you get for Christmas is the familiar refrain, I heard it more as a kid and less as an adult, but still, after Christmas it's still the question du jour.  Nowadays my normal answer has more to do with shirts and socks than toys and sports, but this Christmas, this Christmas I got my first ever best ever moment with my son Jonathan.  Oddly better than his birth, better than birthdays or watching him in sports, better than singing him to sleep at night and better than hearing him tell me I'm the greatest dad.  

It's simple enough and strange in the simplicity, this moment I speak of so, let me share.  

Jonathan's grandpa Gordy had rented snow mobiles for the day and it was time for me to take Jonathan out for a spin (Jonathan's four and more than a half).  He got bundled up in his new boots and snow pants, his new hat and gloves, new camouflaged long under wear and pants, all set to go in the 16 degree Minnesota cool under a sunny bright sky over 4 inches of snow.  We were headed across Sylvan lake running from 30 to an engine revving 50 because Jonathan likes the thrill of the speed, past our summer fishing spots through the channel and towards the islands when we decided to take a stop to explore an island we've been by many times to climb to the top.  

Off our sled and marching through the snow I stopped to show Jonathan how to make a snow angel and we made them together.  We climbed to the top of the hill and threw snow balls, played hide and seek, discovered and followed animal tracks and then to, Jonathan's delight, went sledding on down the hill on our bottoms before reembarking on our sleds.

We took a trip across the lower, past the fish houses, and found a "secret" path to explore through the woods.  

After the trail through the woods We came back to the lake and found our next mountain to climb, parked the sled, and started to climb. Once on top we climbed over fallen trees, and ran through the woods till we got to our 30 foot summit.  And then the boy decided it was sledding time again.

"Dad, let's go down."
"No way."
"Aw, come on dad, let's do it."
"But Jonathan we might get hurt."
"No we won't dad,come on, lets go," with a grin and twinkling eyes.
"Jonathan, No.  Your nuts."
"Come on dad, it'll be great." (he was starting to sucker me with that mischievous look and his crooked smile), "I'll go first."
"No you won't, Jonathan look how steep it is."
"Come on dad."
And with resignation, "Fine, but let me go first."

I went half way down to a fallen tree and then had him follow, laughing like crazy as he went.  We slid down the rest and near the bottom where there was a five foot drop I turned and caught him as we tumbled to the ice and enjoyed high fives all around.  I had Jonathan jump on my back as I climbed back to the top carrying an extra load all the way to the top and then we found a hollowed out log to ride down the other side to make our way back to our sled.  

We visited one more island, one more mountain, before we headed back, repeating the routine again amid somersaults in the snow and tackles and hugs.  And like that it had happened and was but a memory.  

I'm not sure how or why or what makes for those most special moments when the world stops and your soul rejoices in just being, just sharing with the ones you love, but what I do know is I'd take less of everything and anything and more of those moments for every Christmas to come.

God bless.

Snow Angels

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Bro Bro's Legos

Diana always finds a way to play with her "bro-bro's" toys when he isn't around.  Today she pulled herself up to the table to play with his new police lego helicopter.  Her facial expressions were priceless.  You could tell she knew she was getting away with something and then it turned into, hm I wonder what will happen if I break it.  Luckily Auntie Heidi knew how to fix it before Jonathan saw any of this.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas in Minnesota

Since I didn't take very many pictures of the kids opening presents on Christmas, now that have my new fancy camera (Thank you Brad!!!) here are some pictures from "Christmas" in Minnesota.  I don't think we were at the cabin for 20 minutes before the kids were teasing to open the presents.

Minneapolis Airport

The kids were really well behaved during our layover in Minneapolis before flying to Brainerd.  Luckily for us, they have a wonderful playarea.  They were back and forth between the "rides" which I didn't give them money for but they still loved and the slide.  Diana likes to go down slides on her belly, feet first luckily, so I have gotten a lot more comfortable with Diana playing on playgrounds.  The kids also travelled really well...despite the bad weather in Cincinnati and afraid we weren't going to make it to the airport or have our flight leave on time...all travels were safe and don't have any complaints.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Morning

Did Santa come?!?!  One little boy couldn't wait to find out so at 5:51 we were heading downstairs to find out.  His face just lit up as soon as he turned the corner and saw all of the presents!  That is one look I hope I see for many years to come.  Christmas really is a joy when celebrating it with children.  Jonathan waited very patiently for GB & Grandpa Weeks to come down before he opened any presents.  He did get to look in his stocking and play with those toys while he waited.  Diana was also very excited when she saw all of the presents an hour later when she woke up.  She had fun opening the presents but quickly lost interest, I guess there were too many for her.  She liked to rip off one piece of paper and then was on to the next thing, she didn't really care to see what was inside.  Jonathan on the other hand wanted to put together all of his presents and couldn't wait to play with them.  Santa did bring him the police bank legos, he must have known GB and Grandpa Weeks' bought him the police jail/headquarters legos.  He also got very excited when he opened his playmobile pirate ship Nana and Grandpa Gordy bought him.  Oh and his beyblades were a hit.  He was very excited about all of his presents but I think the legos, pirate ship and beyblades were his favorite.  Diana's favorite I would have to say is her little toy hairdryer I bought her in hopes that she will let me dry her own hair after bath time.  After the presents were opened, we had breakfast, the kids played, Diana took a nap and then it was off to GB and Grandpa's.

Christmas Day

We all headed to GB & Grandpa's house around noon to spend the rest of the day and night with them along with Kyle, Amanda and Natalie. The kids once again got precious looks on their face when they say more presents under the Christmas tree. Jonathan couldn't wait to open them! We all got spoiled by so many presents and I think just about everything on our lists. Jonathan did get his police legos he really wanted from GB & Grandpa and the playmobile police car from Kyle, Amanda and Natalie. We had a delicious dinner and enjoyed the day together, although a bit chaotic with the kids.

Pure Excitement

Diana's look when she saw GB's Christmas Tree

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

The kids, well mainly Jonathan, Diana doesn't quite get it yet, were really excited about Christmas this year.  Jonathan's lego advent calendar helped him count down the days until Christmas.  I thought some sort of count down would be fun but after a few mornings of Jonathan walking up in the wee hours of the morning, i.e., before 5 am, I realized that he was a little too excited to open his legos.  Next year I will have to think of a different plan.  Jonathan's Christams list has been all over the board this year.  Last year, it was light sabres from day one, this year it was a bunch of different toys but the final and most often talked about was police legos.  Diana was fine with Santa from a far but as soon as you got her near him, forget it!  She did finally learn how to say "Ho Ho Ho" when asked what does Santa say?  The kids were very well behaved at church for Christmas Eve mass.  Jonathan sat in between GB & Grandpa Weeks and I think he enjoyed his special time with them.  GB walked him up to the front of the church after mass to see baby Jesus in the manager.  Diana was with me and her adorbale red sparkly shoes tore snags and one hole in my nylons.  Oh well, she looked cute!  At one point she did drop her pacifier and I couldn't find it so I said sorry Diana, it's gone.  She kept looking for it and believe it or not she eventually found it half way down the pew and she was trying to make her way through about 6 younger girls to get it.  She was very proud of herself when she finally got it back.  She also shared her books with a little boy behind us.  I brought about 10 books for her and the poor mom behind us only brought one for her boy.  Diana loves books!  After mass we came home and Kyle, Amanda and Natalie joined us all for dinner.  It was fun having everyone together and watching the kids together.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Oh Dear

My childhood, or at least stories from it, flashed before my eyes tonight when Diana was standing on my kitchen chair yelling "Mommy!"  When I was little, I was doing the same thing but I tipped and I broke my mom's new kitchen chair. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Jonathan's Preschool Class

We got Jonathan's school pictures today.  Here is a picture of his class (Front L to R: Renner, Lola, Gracie, Renner.  Back L to R: Alex, Max, Stella, Lucy and Jonathan.  Mrs. Ricciardi is the only teacher obviously).  Don't worry we already had a discussion with Jonathan about grabbing his crotch for pictures.  Seriously!?!  The funny thing is I have never seen him do this before. 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Life Without Them

I have had a few reminders lately of how short life can be and how fragile life truly is.  It is so easy to get caught up in our busy schedule and forget what is important.  I know I am very guilty of this.  First, a friend of a friend had placenta percreta and was not as unfortunate as me and didn't survive.  This news obviously has hit home and reminded me of how fortunate I am.  Secondly, the shooting in Connecticut and a comment that our priest made on Sunday regarding the incident.  He was talking about how we might loose our patience with our children at times or they might make us mad but "Just imagine life without them."  This brought tears to my eyes in church and as I am writing this, because I just can't imagine life without my two precious children or getting to watch them grow up for that matter.  My heart goes out to all of the families affected by my two "wake up" calls if you will. 

Very Touching..... God Bless These Families!

twas' 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38

when 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven's gate.

their smile...

s were contagious, their laughter filled the air.

they could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there.

they were filled with such joy, they didn't know what to say.

they remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day.

"where are we?" asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse.

"this is heaven." declared a small boy. "we're spending Christmas at God's house."

when what to their wondering eyes did appear,

but Jesus, their savior, the children gathered near.

He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same.

then He opened His arms and He called them by name.

and in that moment was joy, that only heaven can bring

those children all flew into the arms of their King

and as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace,

one small girl turned and looked at Jesus' face.

and as if He could read all the questions she had

He gently whispered to her, "I'll take care of mom and dad."

then He looked down on earth, the world far below

He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe

then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand,

"Let My power and presence re-enter this land!"

"may this country be delivered from the hands of fools"

"I'm taking back my nation. I'm taking back my schools!"

then He and the children stood up without a sound.

"come now my children, let me show you around."

excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran.

all displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can.

and i heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight,

"in the midst of this darkness, I AM STILL THE LIGHT."

Written by Cameo Smith, Mt. Wolf, PA


I took the kids to Ikea today for the first time.   They both had a lot of fun, I almost forgot we were shopping.  We were shopping the kids area which is right next to the restaurant and Diana starting signing more and Jonathan said he was hungry.  Ikea is very smart for having the restaurant in the store, let alone right next to the kids area.  Anyway, I go and buy a "small breakfast plate" (scrambled eggs, potatoes and bacon) and a cinnamon bun expecting to pay $2 which is still a great deal if you ask me, but it was only $1 for the bun.  The small plate is free Mon-Thurs.  Who knew!?!?!  The kids sat by the window and ate everything!  Mind you, they also had waffles this morning before we left.   Jonathan said it was a great view and had fun people watching.  Diana also enjoyed observing but I think enjoyed sitting like a big girl at the table and eating of course.  We might be going to Ikea more often.  Of course they made up for my $1 free meal with my purchases.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Natalie

Happy Birthday Natalie!  I can't believe our niece/cousin is one already!  She is so stinking cute!  And such a good behaved, laid back little girl.  My kiddos were spiffed up for Natalie's party so I had to post a picture of them too.  Nana bought Diana a new dress and she is getting LOTS of compliments on it.  Diana and Jonathan actually played very well together today too, which made Brad and I both smile.  Of course they have their moments but they really are sweet to each other.

Nativity Scene

Tonight after Diana went to bed, Jonathan and I went to his school to look at a live nativity scene and see live animals (goats, donkey, sheep).  I wish I would have video taped Jonathan but he was mesmerized by the nativity scene (which had middle school aged children dressed up) and just was taking it all in.  After our priest made a comment during his homily the other weekend about how this mom told her child that "they didn't have time" to look at baby Jesus while they were at the mall and how he reminded us all to make time for Jesus during the holiday hustle bustle, it made my day and maybe holiday season, adoring my child and how he was taking it all in.  He even wanted to stay and listen to the "story" that was being played over and over again and then after a shift change we had to go back and watch the nativity scene.  We did feed the goats, pet the donkey and get hot chocolate and a cookie but the nativity scene was the highlight.  This was something special just Jonathan and I got to do and I am happy we did.

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Diana loves her cereal.  She has figured out a way to get into my homemade "locked" cabinet that has the cereal and has dumped another box of cereal all over the floor and helped herself to handfuls of cereal on more than one occasion.  Tonight she decided to add her dinner in with her cereal.  I thought it was gross but she actually ate it all eventually.
Oh and she liked the chocolate covered pretzel rods we made today too.

POPs Xmas Party

We had the POPs Christmas party today.  Santa made an appearance, of course once again Diana was fine with Santa from afar but as soon she got close to him, forget it.  Father Ken read a story to the kids, which I always think is so adorable with the kids sitting on the floor listening.  Before the party, the kids stayed home with Brad while I went to church and then they all went to church with Brad while I helped setup for the party.  I was a little afraid of how Diana would be in church and Brad managing both of them but apparently I missed a good mass with them.  Diana was very well behaved, although I found out she stood in the aisle for most of mass, which I don't let her do.  Jonathan was sandwiched between a lot of his "girl" friends. Our neighbor's Tessa and Sadie were behind him and his friends from school, Lola and Gracie (twins), were in front of him.  I can only imagine what was happening with all of that. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Martini Ornaments

Tonight when I was putting Jonathan to bed, he asked me why his brain needed sleep (which I had mentioned earlier this evening).  When I told him that it helps his brain develop and makes him smarter he said, "I am going to be smart.  I know lots about martinis."  When I said that martinis don't make him smart and that he shouldn't even know about martinis he said "But I have so many martini ornaments that I must know a lot about them."  Yes, it is true he has claimed the martini ornaments as his on the Christmas tree.  When we were putting the ornaments on the tree this year, he kept asking is this one mine?  So finally I just said yes to anything that wasn't breakable.  Hence the reason why he thinks the metal martini ornaments are his.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Granola Bar

Diana was enjoying her granola bar today in the car on the way to go get "bro-bro" from school.  She refused to put it down and wouldn't say hi to Nana on the phone because she was too busy.  Here is her messy "cheese" face for the camera.   I don't know if I have posted this or not, but every time we pull into Jonathan's school parking lot she starts saying Bro-Bro.

Santa Visit

We had the HPPE holiday party today and Jonathan was so excited to see Santa.  Someone else even noticed his face when Santa walked in and said it was priceless.  Santa had three requests this year: 1) to be good little boys and girls 2) to leave out cookies for him on Christmas eve to keep his belly full and round and 3) to take a picture with him.  When it was Jonathan's turn to "visit" with Santa, he told him that he was going to make him a list of what he wanted.  Later at the party Jonathan did sit down and write his list: police legos, police car and helicopter.  He then delivered it to Santa and said Merry Christmas.  It was cute!  Jonathan is all over the board on what he wants for Christmas this year.  Every time he sees something (TV, ads, store, etc) he says, I want that for Christmas.  Diana was less than fond of Santa, as you would expect.  She wanted to be held and clung to me.  When I tried to stand by Santa for the picture she screamed.  Maybe next year.

Feeling Better

I am happy to report that Diana is finally feeling better!  It has been a long 2 weeks without our precious little girl acting like herself.  We still don't know what she had, but whatever it was, I hope she doesn't get again.  She was smiling, teasing and laughing a lot today, oh and eating a ton! 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Mount Vesuvius

The word around our house this week, Mount Vesuvius.  Jonathan learned about this volcano at school this week and now this is the topic of discussion.  He has made artwork at school of volcanoes, our sand pit turned into a volcano when Alex & Evan were over, we checked out volcano books from the library and he even watches youtube videos about Mount Vesuvius.  I have learned a lot this week!  Now he wants GB to find the ashes from Mount St Helen that Brad told him she had of his.

Can't Catch a Break

Poor Diana has been feeling under the weather since Sunday, debatable since a week ago Saturday.  She has been to the doctor twice this week and they think she just has a cold and that her teeth are bothering her.  Every time I take her somewhere, people make comments about how she doesn't look good, etc.  One lady told me at a store told me, "Mom, she just can't do it anymore.  She looks like she needs a nap."  I laughed and said she just woke up from one, which she had!  Her face just looks sad and her eyes are all glassy.  She has been running a slight fever, runny nose, not eating well, up in the middle of the night, very clingy and moody.  Definitely not our Diana!  To make it worse, today while we were outside playing, she was running down the sidewalk, tripped and busted her lip open.  The girl just can't catch a break!  We are all hoping she feels better soon!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Christmas Tree

Well this was my attempt at keeping Diana away from the real Christmas tree.  It doesn't seem to be working as well as I would have hoped.  I think today we had 6 ornaments taken off the tree.  Luckily none of broken yet!  Oh and I had to post a picture of the cutest Santa I have ever seen!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving in Florida

We have so much to be thankful for again this year!  A special thank you to GB & Grandpa Weeks for flying us all down to Florida to spend it all together.  It was great having Uncle Kyle, Aunt Amanda, and Cousin Natalie there!  As always, it was wonderful getting to see Grandma Long and Grandpa Mike.  We had a fun week getting to enjoy the beautiful Florida weather in November...some pool time, beach time, golf and climbing palm trees (only Brad).  The kids travelled well, although I need to get a splitter and an extra set of headphones before our December trip.  Diana was a little out of sorts all week.  Waking up in the middle of the night screaming (which is NOT normal) and not napping well.  Sorry to all of you who got to experience this "fun" with us.  I know I did not enjoy it.  Diana did take a 4 1/2 hour nap on Sunday when we got home...guess she was worn out from the week and/or sick.  Despite the stresses of Diana, it was wonderful to be with everyone.  The kids had a blast and will have a hard time adjusting to being home with lack of people around and the cold weather.  More pictures to be posted.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Gymnastics Week 2

This week at gymnastics, Jonathan's favorite part was the bar where he got to be a "wash machine."  He basically hung from a parallel bar (sorry if that is not the correct term) and wiggled his hips.  I forgot my video camera which I am bummed about because it was really cute to watch.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Excuse Me

One more important tidbit about Diana...she is extremely independent!  Tonight I was reminded of this when I attempted to carry her down the stairs.  I put her down about half way down the stairs after struggling to keep her in my arms and said ok, you can crawl down the rest (this is one of her new favorite things to do, crawls backwards down them).  She proceeded to crawl up to the top of the stairs, sat down, stared at me, and then turned around and crawled down all the steps all by herself.  Well excuse me little Miss Independent.

Cheese Face

Diana is a ham!  Well, when she wants to be.  She all of a sudden has fallen in love with the camera and will make her "cheese" face anytime she sees the camera.  Oh and, still obsessed with her pink monkey hat.  Wears it all the time, even inside when we aren't going anywhere.  She tries to make Jonathan wear his too...depending on his mood, he sometimes cooperates or maybe it's so she will stop trying to put it on his head.

Diana 18 Month Checkup

"You go girl!"  Were Dr. Bagamery's words today at Diana's 18 month checkup.  She has officially made it to the 50th percentile for height and almost 50th percentile for weight (up until this point she was closer to 25th).  She weighs 24 pounds 3 ounces and is 32 inches tall.  She had to get her DTap shot and her second flu shot.  Of course she screamed but was quickly over it.  The other funny thing Dr. Bagamery said about Diana was "Wow, that girl has abs of steel!"  Diana continues to be ridiculously strong and is sometimes hard to control in my arms (when she is upset).  She is also a climber, which is so opposite of Jonathan.  She is obsessed with washing her hands these days and since there was a sink in the doctor office, she HAD to wash her hands.  I kept telling her no but after she was literally hanging on the sink, feet off the ground, I figured it was better to wash her hands than have her hurt herself while at the doctor.  The doctor said not to worry that she isn't drinking that much milk but suggested putting chocolate in the milk...crazy because I had thought about it but thought I shouldn't but if the doctor says it is ok, well?!?!  Diana is a good eater and always has been so I guess I am just going to stop worrying about the lack of milk drinking.  Let's face it, I didn't like milk when I was little and she seems to be following in my foot steps an awful lot.  Diana sleeps now from 7 - 7:30 at night to about 6:30 in the morning and then naps from about noon to 2.  Poor thing usually falls asleep in the car from dropping Jonathan off at school.  She has a total of 10 teeth now.  She is starting to talk more and more every day.  After Grandpa Gordy and Nana were here she started talking a lot more...they worked with her a lot.  The funniest thing she now says is "apple" when she is hungry.  She does love apples but she seems to say it even when she doesn't want to eat an apple.  She does a lot of pointing and says "dat" which I can only assume means "that."  I think she comprehends a lot more than she can actually say because she will do anything I say or "Diana go get your shoes" or "Do you want to go upstairs?" and she will immediately go to the stairs.  She adores her big brother still.  There is no one else that can get her to laugh or smile the way he can.  I think having a big brother is wonderful, but she plays a lot "rougher" than other girls her age.  Last night while I was cleaning up dinner and Brad was still at work, Jonathan started yelling "Mom, Diana is jumping on me!"  I go into the living room and sure enough, Jonathan is laying on the floor and Diana is straddling him and bouncing.  I of course thought this was hilarious.  I am sure the battles have only begun between the two of them but for the time being it is cute.  Diana is a very busy little girl and rarely sits still, in fact aside from when she is sleeping or buckled in her car seat I don't think she is ever still.  She is constantly up and down and in and out of things.  The other night at dinner, Diana was in and out of her seat and my lap so many times that Brad finally said, "I am exhausted just watching you two."  We adore our little girl and wouldn't have her any other way!  It's hard to believe she is 18 months old already.  Where does the time go!?!?  I am so blessed to have been able to be home with the kids and watch them grow up.

The Things Jonathan Says

Jonathan cracks me up every day with at least one thing he says/does.  Here are a few examples:

Today we just got home from the grocery store and the garbage man was coming by.  Jonathan watched him take our garbage and our neighbors.  I was carrying in groceries and saw Jonathan talking to the garbage man and I saw the man say something back and smile but I didn't hear what it was.  After the garbage man drove to the next house he says to me "Did you hear what he asked me?"  I said "No" and he said "He asked me if I have to take a shower after I get done with work?"  The guy thought it was funny and a very appropriate question.  Later Jonathan said, I saw him put his head in a garbage can.  I think that is what sparked the question.

Last night Jonathan was practicing his typing on the computer.  He would ask me how to spell things and then he would type them.  This is what he wrote:
no jt!

no strangers!

how old are you?

what is your number?

how are you?

Does anyone see a trend in the last 3 questions?  Pick up lines from a 4-year-old perhaps.  Ha!  This child is going to be a heart breaker I can see it coming.  There are only 4 girls in his preschool class and he talks about all of them and one of them told her dad that she was going to marry Jonathan.  :-)

The other funny thing he said the other day was when I asked him to turn off the light in Diana's room (he was the last one out of there), he moaned and said "Why do I have to do everything for this family?!?!"

Monday, November 12, 2012

Diana Molars

I am happy to report that Diana's top two molar's are finally in.  She started cutting them around October 18th and after a lot of sleepless nights and angry Diana chewing on things, I think they are cut!  No for the bottom two to break through.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Jonathan's Preschool Evaluation

This is the evaluation Jonathan's preschool teacher sent about him.

From our class observations, I am pleased to tell you of your child's growth. As we progress through the year, additional incremental goals are set for each child. Please note that preschool development is not linear.
Each area--social and emotional, fine motor, gross motor, cognitive and language literacy usually develops at different rates and intensities. One area usually takes center stage at any given point. While cognitive (facts or rote) information is important----SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT IS MOST IMPORTANT AT THIS STAGE OF THEIR GROWTH. Creativity is a subjective area - I can confirm each child is creative in his or her own way. Please note the following observations are not all inclusive.

enters classroom enthusiastically
enters play appropriately
self regulates
respectful with good manner
plays with boys and girls
enjoys approaching new experiences
volunteers to help out
on task
loves to read books with friends and be read to
responsible-does his job daily
great imagination-always getting children to make up scenarios to play
makes rational decisions
counts well
likes math games
empathic and always concerned for others
good pencil grasp
kind and considerate
cuts well
improved writing
able to resolve most simple conflicts-comes to teacher when he needs support
uses new vocabulary learned in class
enjoys making things out of paper
attentive in large group
enjoys math games
follows 4 step directions
gets inferential information
a good friend but, functions well on his own
expresses himself with detail and relevancy
is patient and asks others to be patient
fluid body movement
is very forgiving

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Gymnastics Timber

Jonathan started gymnastics "tumbling" today.  He had a blast!  This video of course was of his favorite part.  They stretched and did some coordination/balance movements and then it was off to the obstacle course which included a vault, some ladders to climb, a beam with obstacles to step over and then a mat to do a "forward roll" (i.e. somersault) down.  At the end of class, the teacher held up the mat and then let it fall with the kids on it.

Gymnastics Vault Video

Cold Turkey

After a couple of months now struggling with Diana to get rid of her bottle, (yes, she won last time...she is far more stubborn than her mother), I am happy to report that it is GONE!  I couldn't take the bottle anymore and I really didn't want to travel with it on all of our upcoming trips.  On Monday and Tuesday, I let her have it first thing in the morning and right before bed.  During the day, I miked the Danimals (yogurt smoothie) with milk in a sippy cup and she drank it.  Wednesday she didn't get it at all and then that was it.  She still will fuss for it or go to where it used to be in the cupboard but I am NOT giving in this time.  She definitely doesn't drink nearly the amount of milk that she used to but I am not going to worry about it.  She eats plenty of cheese, yogurt and ice cream to get her calcium.    She wants her pacifier a lot more since we got rid of the bottle but I decided one thing at a time and I definitely am not ready to travel on a plane with her without the pacifier (we have trips scheduled for Nov, Dec & Jan).  We did cut a slit in one of her pacifiers last weekend though and she doesn't like that one, obviously, so I think we will start using that pacifier more and eventually phase that out too.   Diana is growing up!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Preschool Pictures

I am so far behind in my blog that I don't even know where to start, so look for backdated posts in the future.  I wanted to post some pictures of Jonathan from school though.  Mrs. Riccardi brought in pipes and other items for the kids to build with.  I told her she needs to turn it into Blue Man Group music as well.
This one is of juicing lemons and cleaning pennies.  Jonathan was very excited about his shinny penny.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Neighborhood Halloween

The Pusateri's had basically the whole neighborhood over before Trick-or-Treat tonight for dinner, although we just stopped by for a little bit.  It was very fun to see all of the kids in their costumes.  Diana is in the front left, already eating a sucker and Jonathan is in the very back on the left.  So many cute kids and costumes!

Happy Halloween

I did a horrible job of getting pictures of the kids this Halloween.  Thank goodness that my parents were here to help me Halloween night because it was a bit chaotic.  I can only imagine what next year will be like when Diana actually understands trick-or-treating.  Ah!  A special thank you to Nana for making such adorable costumes for the kids again this year.  Captain Hook and Tinkerbell sure were cute!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Halloween PJ's

Thank you Nana for our adorable Halloween pajamas!  Not only did we really need pajamas that fit for this time of the year, they are so festive! 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pizza Parlor

Diana is starting to outgrow the "put everything in my mouth" phase so I am allowing her to play with the pizza making toys (before the pieces were too small and would go right in her mouth).  Jonathan still is a little protective of his pizza stuff so Diana has learned that while Jonathan is at school she can play with "his" toys.  Today she even made me put on his apron, which I thought she looked adorable in.  She is still very much a busy body!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Turner Farm

We went to Turner Farm with Jonathan's preschool class today.  This is our favorite farm so it was fun to be able to go again this year.  Jonathan has a great class and a wonderful teacher.  It was really neat to get to see Jonathan interact with his classmates.  He definitely is a social child!  He picked some HUGE turnips and even tried them.  We brought a couple home to snack on because he liked them so much.  We then fed the sheep the turnips and he wasn't too sure about that part of the field trip.  He got to bring home a white pumpkin too, which he has been teasing for a white pumpkin all season.