Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Nana & Papa Gordy Visit

Yeah! Delta finally had webfares from MN to Cincy...Nana and Grnpa hoped a flight and came to play with me. I got spoiled with lots of attention and of course made them laugh non-stop. Mommy's favorite thing of the weekend...we went to Max 'n Erma's for dinner and I got to have the Sundae bar....Grpa gave me so many M&M's that when we were leaving and he was carrying me out...he said, "You smell like an M&M!" What kid doesn't like to get spoiled by his grandparents with treats?!?! Thank you!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


I like to pretend I am working on my computer. Is this a sign that mommy is working too much these days?!?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Not Tired

Despite Mommy and Daddy putting me to bed at 8:30 it is now 9:30 and I am still playing away in my bed. I wish I could have my video monitor on my blog because you would see me "driving" using my rainforest crib toy as the wheel, changing bears diaper using my blanket and then saying "dirty" and pulling it off, waving and saying hi to bear and then singing a song while doing hand motions and clapping. Daddy is asleep and I am still playing.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Cutting Teeth

I seem to like to cut teeth while we are away from home...I cut the last of my incisors while in MN. I have a total of 16 teeth now...finally catching up. I had a dentist appointment today and the dentist said my teeth looked good but asked my mom if I had been crabby lately due to cutting my I teeth...they have the longest root and are normally the most painful to cut.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

North Woods of MN

We spent the last half of the week in MN at the cabin. I started to get more used to the snow and like my snowpants, boots, hat and mittens. Everybody spent New Year's eve snowmobiling except for Nana and me....maybe next year. On the Saturday we left it was actual temp 39 below...that's cold! I don't think I should have to wear my coat in Cincy after this.
I think I like the cabin almost as much as Grandpa...maybe if I sell his cookware he will give me the cabin someday.

The week went by too fast as usual and I am sure next week will be hard for all of us. Here are some of the funniest moments of the week:
1) Flying off the Rocking Horse
2) Raising my hand and saying "me" when Nana asked who likes pizza
3) Saying "Right Back," pointing my finger, walking away with authority and then coming back
4) Driving the "garbage truck" at the cabin...I had to take my yellow block bucket one could figure out why until I got down there, "dumped it" and called my car a garbage truck

Friday, January 1, 2010

My Name

Phew...I have a long name to spell. We are practicing already.