Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Diving Board

Jonathan decided today was the day that he was going to jump off the diving board at the Sports Club.  The deep end is 10 feet deep!  He walked to the end of the diving board a few weeks ago with a friend but decided not to jump in.  This afternoon I said that we would go to the pool after Diana's nap and Jonathan said, I am going off the diving board today.  I was very encouraging but in my head thinking, he won't do it.  Coming from the girl who was terrified of the diving board and had to be lowered in for I think a couple of years during swim lessons, I wasn't about to show my nerves to Jonathan.  We got to the pool and the diving board was closed, it was open swim in the deep end, so Jonathan had to wait.  He was watching and as soon as they opened it up, he said, let's go Mommy.  Luckily I saw two of his friends Mom's along the way and told them it was his first time and that I was a nervous wreck, because once again, I didn't want to tell him I was nervous.  He got in line behind his two classmates, Stella and Lucy, and was shaking.  I couldn't tell if it was because he was cold or nervous as well.  When it was his turn, he walked to the end of the diving board pretty confidently but then got to the end and just stood there.  I think I said to him, "You got this buddy.  The lifeguard is right there if you need her help." and before I knew it, he was jumping.  He popped right up and swam faster than I have ever seen him swim before and climbed out the ladder with the biggest smile on his face!  He jumped off the diving board 3 more times today and each time with more and more confidence.  In the car on the way home I asked if he was nervous the first time and he said, I just said to myself "Ah ah going for it!"  He claims tomorrow he will be cannon balling off the diving board.  I am SO proud of him!  I must admit, it heightens my already high stress level at the pool.  Between watching Diana and her zero fear of the water, ready to jump in at no seconds notice and now with him at the deep end, I am not sure how I am going to handle this.  Just in case anyone thought that my days at the pool were relaxing, think again!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Swim Lessons

Jonathan is taking swimming lessons at the Sports Club for a few weeks on Monday and Wednesday evenings.  He is working on his back and belly floats as well as "bobs."  I have yet to attend a lesson so I am not exactly sure what he is doing but I hope his swimming will continue to improve.  Monday he had a major meltdown about going...he said the pool was too cold, he just didn't want to go, etc.  We were able to get him there and he was fine once he was there.  The pool is cold still, I will give him that but I think he might have been tired.  He slept until 8:45 on Tuesday!

Poor Diana isn't old enough for swim lessons and as much as she loves the pool, her little heart was broken tonight when Brad and Jonathan ventured off to the pool without her.  I told her we could go "swim" in the tub and she was naked within seconds.  After she got out of the tub, she insisted on putting on her swimsuit though.  I was thinking PJ's but there was no convincing her otherwise.  I let her wear her swimsuit for about 20 minutes before bed.  The girl is obsessed with her swimsuits!  She has to put one on right away in the morning and I think that is pretty much all she has worn the last 2 weeks.  She has taken naps in her swimsuits, or held them in her hand while napping.  She does love the water and was actually doing a really good kicking in the pool earlier today.  Some random mom at the pool today said to me, "Wow, she is really independent, what is she 3 years old?"  I laughed to myself.  I guess most other 2 year olds that I see at the pool, are sitting on the steps of the big pool or in the baby pool and by their mom's side...not my daughter!  She has to keep up with the big kids, which means Mommy gets to be in the pool too.

Water Gun Fight

Yesterday Brad surprised us by coming home from work early, which couldn't have been better timed because Jonathan was just complaining about how he didn't have any friends to play with and was moping around.  Diana had decided when she woke up from her nap that she was going swimming.  I didn't want to venture to the big pool so I filled up her baby pool and she was as happy as a clam.  While Diana played in the pool, the boys decided to have a water gun fight.  Jonathan couldn't have been more excited to have some "boy" time with his daddy.  Today Jonathan asked a couple of times what time daddy was going to be home, but I didn't think much of it until at bed tonight, Jonathan asked Brad what time he would be home tomorrow.  When Brad replied "normal time," Jonathan got sad and said "not early in the afternoon?"  I think he enjoyed his water gun fight and special time with Daddy.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Drop In Tennis

Jonathan took a "drop-in" tennis class today at the Sports Club.  Today there were only 4 kids there for 2 coaches, but they warned us that it will get busier.  I am hoping it doesn't!  What an incredible experience for Jonathan...and I am loving the cost, $5.  I couldn't get good pictures because I only had my old phone but Jonathan was laughing, running all around, listening to the was great!  It brought back memories for me too because he was playing some of the games I used to when I was a King/Queen of the court.  He played a new one that I liked, where the coach asked if the kid wanted a snake (rolled on ground), a lion (bouncing) or an eagle (high ball) and the kid would have to run and catch it before it got to the sideline.  It was a big hit!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Melvin the Turtle

Jonathan's class turtle, Melvin, is staying with us for the week.  His buddy Alex is watching Melvin for the summer but while Alex is in Michigan we are taking care of the turtle.  Diana loves the turtle!  She now says turtle and her stool is constantly pulled over by the turtle.  She loves just sitting there watching him.  I swear he plays peek-a-boo with her.  She just giggles at him or she will point at him and say turtle.  If she can't find him right away, she says, "turtle, where are you?"  He is trained to eat out of your hand so Jonathan has enjoyed getting to feed him.  I see a pet turtle in our future...maybe.