Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Drop In Tennis

Jonathan took a "drop-in" tennis class today at the Sports Club.  Today there were only 4 kids there for 2 coaches, but they warned us that it will get busier.  I am hoping it doesn't!  What an incredible experience for Jonathan...and I am loving the cost, $5.  I couldn't get good pictures because I only had my old phone but Jonathan was laughing, running all around, listening to the was great!  It brought back memories for me too because he was playing some of the games I used to when I was a King/Queen of the court.  He played a new one that I liked, where the coach asked if the kid wanted a snake (rolled on ground), a lion (bouncing) or an eagle (high ball) and the kid would have to run and catch it before it got to the sideline.  It was a big hit!

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