Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Diana Foot Update

Good news! Diana had her ortho follow-up appointment today and after 3 months of wearing her shoes 23 hours (well sort of) a day, the doctor is very pleased with her progress. He said she could just wear the shoes at night (12 hours a day) and only until she outgrows this pair. Originally I was told she would need to wear shoes until 3 years of age, I guess they just tell you worst case scenario upfront. I am so happy!!! I have no idea what I will do with all my time during the day now that I am not putting shoes back on constantly.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Daddy Working Out

Brad is really into Crossfit workouts these days and Jonathan likes to work out with him, when he is allowed. Today he was helping hold down Daddy's feet while Daddy did situps.

Friday, November 25, 2011

We had a costume change...

I love how he was watching himself in the glass doors.

Dance Party

Jonathan loves to dance and be "crazy." Today we had a dance party out by the pool, or I should say Jonathan had a dance party. For some reason he is drawn to Latin music...he would ask Brad to turn it on that station on his way to the hospital to visit me...strange.

Typical Day

Our typical day includes swimming and relaxing by the pool. The kids are loving it and I think so is Brad. I went inside for a second to get my camera to take this picture...Brad relaxing and kids playing.
Jonathan LOVES his baby sister and loves to give her kisses, show her how to do things and play with her. Her Jonathan is showing Diana how to roll over to her back and she is making her new face that just started this week.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Baby Doll

Diana is getting better about rolling over and being on her belly, although she doesn't last long on her belly and hasn't figured out how to roll back over to her back. GB also bought Diana a little baby doll to play with down here and she loves it. Mid-squeal (still thinking she didn't need the two rounds of steroid shots for her lungs. This girl can scream!)

Happy Thanksgiving

We have been having a wonderful week down in Naples, spending quality time as a family, enjoying the outdoors and our visit with Grandma Long and Grandpa Mike. My kids are getting spoiled with the attention and treats. We have so much to be thankful for this year!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Techie Guys

Jonathan immediately took to Grandpa Mike and was his little sidekick all week. Jonathan really enjoyed looking at Mike's IPad and all of the COOL pictures he had on it, so much so that Mike had to email me some of the pictures to have on our IPad. They even compared IPad's to see who had better things on it. Looking at Grandpa Mike's IPad was a daily activity,

Jumping In

Monday, November 21, 2011

More Swimming

We did some more swimming today. This time we let Diana go swimming. She enjoyed it and loved the attention from Daddy and Jonathan. Her swimsuit is very adorable but I didn't get a good picture of it. Grandpa pulling Jonathan around on his big boy raft.

Fat Rolls

We are loving the beautiful warm Florida weather. We have already been swimming again today and now while GB, Grandpa, and Daddy are golfing we took a walk. Jonathan rode his bike and it broke down. He had to fix it and fill it up with gas. I LOVE his imagination. I must admit, I am having fun dressing Diana in dresses and seeing her fat rolls on her legs. She will probably hate this picture when she gets older.
On our walk today, we saw landscaping guys and they were spraying for weeds and bugs. When we got home Jonathan picked up his golf clubs, tucked him into his pants and was walking around. I asked him what he was doing and he said he was killing weeds and bugs. He doesn't miss a thing.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Going Under Water

Florida Relaxing

We are having a lazy Sunday by the pool today. Jonathan is really enjoying his time with his Daddy and is Daddy's little shadow. Too Cute!

Diana gets startled by the camera flash, I swear she was smiling and very happy.

Touch the Bottom

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Rolling Over

Diana is rolling over a lot is one picture I got of her in action.

Drooly Mess

Diana is drooling like crazy these days...can you see how wet her She loves her dress is? She loves her activity center/exersaucer.

Fixing with Doug

Jonathan was so excited that Doug came to our house today to start building our bookcase. He even got to fix with Doug. Doug loved that Jonathan just crawled right into the cabinent...he said "way to get into your work." We had a very happy Jonathan today after he got to see his buddy Doug.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cereal Update

Diana ate all of her cereal tonight! It's not helping with her sleeping through the night but maybe one day...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Diana Rolling Over Video

Finally I got a video of Diana rolling over...of course the battery died as soon as she rolled over but you can get the idea.

Rice Cereal

Diana got to eat rice cereal tonight. She likes her highchair and the new "view" from it. We had a failed attempt last night at the cereal, as she took one look at the highchair and cereal and started to cry...I realized she was tired. I put her down for a nap at 5 and she didn't wake up until 9 pm. Today we tried the cereal when she wasn't tired and she did much better. She isn't quite sure about the cereal yet but she is interested at least.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Diana Blanket Over her Head

I just checked on Diana over the monitor and she has he blanket over her face just like what Jonathan used to do when he was little. So cute! Brings back fun memories of Jonathan and I love how Diana is following in her big brother's footsteps.

Friday, November 11, 2011


Realized this morning that Jonathan may not be my son...he was excited to see "snow" outside this morning and said he has been waiting for snow for a very long time. Luckily it was just some frost as I am not ready for winter.

Diana 6 Month Pictures

It is getting harder to take pictures of Diana...she is very active. Her new favorite toy is her feet. She loves to play with them, pull her socks off after she kicks off her shoes or pull on her shoelaces. We are working on trying to get Diana to sit up. She is rolling over a lot these days from her back to her belly but no seems to not know how to roll from her belly to back.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Soccer - Another Session

Jonathan finished soccer last week but asked if we could sign him up for another session. With the weather turning colder and the fact that he is enjoying it, I decided to commit to another session which goes until Jan 20th. Today was the first day of the new session and I think Jonathan will have his work cut out for him this time...lots of really big and fast kids. He hung in there though, despite a minor crying episode due to scrapping his knee and elbow. I think he had beginner's luck as he hasn't scored a goal in awhile but he tries and is having fun.

Diana 6 Months

Can you believe Diana is 6 months old?!?!? It really is crazy how fast kids grow up. She had her 6 month checkup today and the doctor is pleased with her growth and development. Diana of course was trying to show off and was doing her "crunches" during the exam. Dr. Bagamery thought this was funny. She also got really excited, cooed and giggled when Jonathan came over to talk to her and the doctor really liked this. She weighs 15 # 6 oz and is 25 1/2 inches long. She is staying on her 50th percentile curve for all 6 month olds. She gets to start cereal any time we want now...just need to go buy some. I guess most people start food between 4 and 6 months (I did 6 months with JT) so even though her adjusted age is 4 1/2 months, the doctor said it would be fine to start cereal. We shall see how this goes. I watched the video of Jonathan eating food for the first time not that long ago and it was pretty funny. She had to get 2 shots today and one oral vaccine. She of course screamed and was not very happy. She was very lovey (i.e., wanted to be cuddled) and slept more today than normal but seems to be doing ok from the vaccines.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Gorgeous Weather

We have lucked out on beautiful fall weather. Today Jonathan and I raked some leaves, just so we could play in them, we cut back the mums and did a final harvest of the garden. It was in the 70's and Jonathan had to put on shorts because he was "hot."

Our scarecrow family in the rock garden that Jonathan likes to pretend are puppets. Not the best pictures of Diana but she kept trying to eat the leaves...everything is going in the mouth these days.

Eating the Leaves

A couple more pictures of my not so great attempt of getting pictures of the kids in the leaves. Diana really wanted to eat them!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Mr Mom

Brad watched the kids overnight so I could spend a night with Emily up in Columbus. Luckily all of our hardwork on trying to get Diana to take a bottle has paid off and she will take a bottle with no problems. Phew! I did come home to two kids who think Dad is the best.

The ferris wheel Daddy and Jonathan built...Daddy's Girl!
Too cute! Jonathan and Diana watching football...