Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Diana 6 Months

Can you believe Diana is 6 months old?!?!? It really is crazy how fast kids grow up. She had her 6 month checkup today and the doctor is pleased with her growth and development. Diana of course was trying to show off and was doing her "crunches" during the exam. Dr. Bagamery thought this was funny. She also got really excited, cooed and giggled when Jonathan came over to talk to her and the doctor really liked this. She weighs 15 # 6 oz and is 25 1/2 inches long. She is staying on her 50th percentile curve for all 6 month olds. She gets to start cereal any time we want now...just need to go buy some. I guess most people start food between 4 and 6 months (I did 6 months with JT) so even though her adjusted age is 4 1/2 months, the doctor said it would be fine to start cereal. We shall see how this goes. I watched the video of Jonathan eating food for the first time not that long ago and it was pretty funny. She had to get 2 shots today and one oral vaccine. She of course screamed and was not very happy. She was very lovey (i.e., wanted to be cuddled) and slept more today than normal but seems to be doing ok from the vaccines.

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