Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Monday, May 31, 2010

Pool time

Summer is here!!!! Mommy and Daddy blew up my swimming fun! I am definitely braver in the water this summer.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Big Boy Underware

Potty training has been a success. I now wear big boy underware all time (with the exception or nap/bedtime). I even have the hang of telling mommy and daddy when I have to go instead of having to be asked. Today we went for a drive (since we were all sick with the flu this week and couldn't go to the Pusateri party but needed to get out of the house) and on our drive I told Mommy and Daddy I had to go and I held it until we got to a place with a bathroom. We were all proud of me, including myself!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Potty Training Update

Well I think you can officially say I am potty trained. I still wear a diaper at nap time and bed time but other than that I wear "big boy" underwear or pullups (if we are going to be out and about) and as long as I am reminded to use the potty I don't have accidents. If I am too focused on something or tired and I fight mommy/daddy on going to the potty than I might have an accident. Today we went to church, breakfast and the zoo and I had no accidents. I even have overcome my fear of going #2 on the potty...I think the 3 M&M's as a motivator has helped. I am off to Mimi's tomorrow so hopefully I can continue my success.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Mommy's T-shirts

Everybody has been telling mommy she needed to get a picture of me in my potty-training attire. I get to wear Mommy's t-shirts since they are a little longer and cover everything. I have been very into wearing my boots too so it is quite an outfit. Potty training is going good...I am getting the hang of it but I don't quiet have it all figured out yet.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Potty Training

I started potty training today. Mommy and Daddy were really impressed and proud of me. We spent the night at GB and Grandpa's last night, went to church with them this morning and then came home. After my 3+ hour nap today it was time to start potty training. We are trying the "bare bottom" approach and from 4pm - 8 pm today I went potty on my chair several times and only had one accident. I get a sticker for my chart every time I go. Hopefully I will continue to do so well. I really like the stickers and I know Mommy and Daddy would be really happy with me. Stay tuned....