Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

What a fun but busy Halloween! Thank you Nana for once again making adorable Halloween costumes for the kiddos and for celebrating Halloween with us!

Diana was a very cute ladybug...

Jonathan at his Halloween parade at school. Lucky for him he was the door holder today so he got to be right behind Alex (line leader) for the parade.Jonathan even carved his own pumpkin this year...he did say "Eeewww gross" a couple of times but he did it. I love the crazy hair in this picture from his hat he had on earlier. Thank you Suzy and Don for allowing the whole neighborhood to "preparty" at your house before trick-or-treat.Trick-or-treating with his buddies...Paxton, Connor, Evan and Alex. Jonathan was very into trick-or-treating, I was a little surprised. He had no problem walking (well running) up to people's house and saying trick-or-treat.

Diana got to hang out with Mom while Jonathan trick-or-treated.After about 4 blocks of trick-or-treating we convinced Jonathan to go back and help daddy hand out candy. I am not sure which part he enjoyed more. He had to learn quickly though to hand out only one piece of candy per kid and to be ready. We went through about 700 pieces of candy in an hour and a joke!Jonathan and I were very into making crafts for are our "ghosts" and pumpkins. Thanks Nana for making Halloween so special!

Halloween Crafts

Jonathan and I were very busy making Halloween crafts this year. Here are our favorites.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Decorate a Pumpkin

Tonight was "decorate a pumpkin with someone special" night at Jonathan's preschool. Jonathan was lucky and got to bring GB as his someone special. His pumpkin looks adorable and when I asked him if he did the decorating, he said "No, I had GB do it." Apparently he was more into socializing with his friends than decorating the pumpkin. He had a lot of fun seeing his friends and showing GB his school.

This is what GB had to say about it...

He was very social at the Pumpkin Event, in that he was more interested in seeing his friends than decorating the pumpkin. It was very important to find classmates, as we switched seats to join 2 dads, Lauren and Annie(Classmates) He was happy to see Mrs. Eagle and I allowed him to circulate to other tables when he saw other classmate. He would orderly walk to the other cafeteria table after asking permission. We checked out pumpkins decorated by Danny (soccer team), Olive (his special friend) and other classmates I can't remember. We saw another teacher Allison, who is in your circle of friends with Palmer. He checked out several other boys from his class to say Hello, but they were just running around and Jonathan didn't consider joining them. It was great to see him in his school environment.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Another Shower

Jonathan got another shower tonight...he was in the bathtub and then decided he wanted to shower. Since Daddy wasn't home tonight, it was just Jonathan. Once again he had fun in there, was singing and being silly. I couldn't resist pictures this time. Doesn't it look like he knows he is getting away with something. He also thinks it is hilarious that it looks like he is "peeing" while he is in the shower.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Tonight was Trunk-or-Treat at St. Mary's where we had a pizza party, did some crafts and then the kids got to trick-or-treat at the "trunks" of people's cars. Jonathan met a couple of new friends and of course had fun with his normal crew of friends. Jonathan enjoyed being a Gladiator with his sword and shield (thanks Shonda for the adorable picture). I loved that Jonathan decided to make himself comfortable in the back of Mackenzie and Katie's car to eat his candy too at the end of the night (thank you Christie)!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Burger Farm - Hayride #3

Jonathan and I went to Burger Farm today with my mom's group. It was a lot of fun and the weather ended up being beautiful! Thanks to GB who came down and watched Diana for us...little stinker has been taking a bottle fine from me but refuses to take a bottle from other people. Not sure what we are going to do about that yet.

Jonathan got to do a maze, look at some animals, go through a "pumpkin head" house, watch a puppet show, go on a hayride and pick a pumpkin. It was an eventful morning! He really seemed to enjoy it all but I would say the maze and puppet show (the popcorn helped) were his favorite.

Here Jonathan said "Pigs STINK!" We of course then talked about what Farmer Denny says about pigs smelling.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Jonathan took his first shower tonight. It took some convincing and for Brad to join him in our shower but once he got in there, he loved it! He kept saying it was raining in there and would sing the song "singing in the rain" and said he was just like Grandpa Weeks. He also liked using the wiper/cleaner. We had a hard time getting him out of the shower. We kept asking if it was time to get out and he said "No this is a lot of fun!" I was laughing because he was having so much fun, it really was cute. For obvious reasons, no pictures will be posted of this event.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Diana Rolling Over

Diana rolled over for the first time tonight, belly to back. She has been getting close lately and tonight I put her on her belly, without her shoes, and she almost immediately flipped to her back. Of course I have been trying to get her to do it again to catch it on video with no luck.

Scary Dracula

So funny that Jonathan got these teeth from his dentist. He finally figured out how to put them in his mouth correctly today.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Uncle Kyle

We celebrated Uncle Kyle's birthday today at GB and Grandpa Weeks' house. To anyone celebrating a birthday in Jonathan's presence, this is your warning that you will not get to blow out your own candles or open your own presents...sorry about that Kyle. I love that you can still see Jonathan's green mask in this picture.

Super Why

Super Why and Wonder Red were at Whole Foods today so Jonathan and I decided to go visit them (in case you aren't familiar, they are superheros from a cartoon on PBS Kids, which is all about reading and letters). Jonathan got his face painted for the first time ever too. He walked up to the girl and said "I want to be Super Why." She looked at me and I just kind of shrugged my shoulders. She said "How about a green mask" and he was excited. He also got to decorate a paper pumpkin, make a smoothie, and build his own trail mix. It was a fun event.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Play Date

Connor and Paxton came over to play today for a little while and I think it made Jonathan's day.
It was fun for Jonathan to have someone else to play with and nice for mommy to have a little bit of a break from telling stories and playing superhero.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


The past few weeks at soccer, Jonathan has walked off the field crying and begging to go home. I thought he was just being a baby and upset because he wasn't scoring goals. All week I have been talking about how we just have fun playing sports and that it isn't about scoring goals or winning, hoping that this week at soccer we wouldn't have a meltdown. Sure enough though today, we had another meltdown. He complains that his feet hurt and that his shoe laces are too tight. I did bring his tennis shoes today though, thanks Grandpa Weeks for the suggestion, and put those on him, he went back out there and within minutes he scored a goal and was happy as can be. I guess his soccer shoes aren't very comfortable on the indoor field. They did a lot of really good drills this week at soccer and I personally was impressed with the coaches this week and Jonathan's focus.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Shaw Farm

We went on a field trip today with Jonathan's preschool class to Shaw Farm. We went on a hayride with Alex and Evan and the rest of Jonathan's class. We also looked around at fun wooden scenes, some animals, climbed on a tractor and brought home a pumpkin. The weather was chilly and misting but it was still a fun time. We rode out with Alex, Evan and Shonda in their minivan, which Jonathan thought was really cool. We left the babies, Diana and Drew, at Mary's.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Preschool - Apples

The past two weeks at preschool Jonathan has been learning about and doing lots of activities with apples. They have painted the apples and made artwork, measured themselves with apples (he told me he was 5 apples...they must have been big apples) and today they got to make apple juice with them. I think it is funny they made juice because last week when he brought an apple to school, he asked his teachers what they were going to do with them and said make apple juice maybe. The teacher said "No, but that would be a good idea." This week, the kids were asked to bring in another apple as they were going to make juice. How influential a little three-year-old can be. He talks more and more about school these days. He is learning new songs, words and meeting lots of new friends. I am happy we signed him up for preschool. Last week I guess they got locked outside while playing at the playground so they got to go on a "detour." He said that was his favorite part of the day and talks about detours all the time now.

Diana 5 Months

It is hard to believe that Diana is already 5 months old! She is a very happy baby and such a joy to be around. She brings a smile to my face and I LOVE how much Jonathan loves her too. Of course we have our moments in the Weeks' household but I am truly trying to focus on the miracle of my children and so happy to be able to be with them every day! Yes, it is official, I gave my notice to PwC and will now be a stay-at-home mom. I really think it is the best decision for the whole family and hope that we can swing it financially and that I develop patience (been praying every night for it).

Diana is growing like a weed. People are shocked when they see how big she has gotten. We don't have a doctors appt this month but I think she has put on a couple of pounds. She has inherited one of my personality traits and I am still trying to figure out if it is a good thing. When she is tired, she is tired and she wants to be left alone. No more rocking this girl! Literally she will fight sleep and squirm if you try and "soothe" her to sleep. She would much prefer her pacifier and her bed. Her sleep pattern is starting to develop...usually wakes up around 7:30 am (sometimes I have to wake her up at 8 to get Jonathan off to school), morning nap at 9 for at least an hour and then afternoon nap around 12:30 for almost 2 hours and then a third nap around 3:30/4 and then down for bed at 6 pm. She is still getting up in the middle of the night, usually around 1 am and then 5 am. Last night she woke up at midnight, I went in, gave the pacifier to her and she slept until 5 am. Fingers crossed we can get down to waking up at 5 am and drop the midnight waking. We don't have any teeth yet but we are drooling like crazy and starting to put everything in our mouth. She is getting better about spreading her fingers and chewing on her fingers instead of her whole fist. She isn't rolling over yet but we are getting closer, still think it will be a couple months though.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


We introduced Jonathan to another sport Selfishly Brad and I wanted to play as it was another beautiful fall day. We weren't expecting Jonathan to be so in to it, he wanted to play almost the whole time. He was getting pretty good at it, making contact with the ball anyway. He did sit and watch mommy and daddy play for awhile and was cheering us on. Then he became our ball boy, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I can't wait for us to play as a family someday. It was a lot of fun!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Turner Farm

What a fun filled day. We went to Turner Farm today with a bunch of friends, went on a hayride, picked some potato vines, fed the sheep and picked pumpkins. I think everybody enjoyed the day. Jonathan said his favorite was picking out his pumpkin. What a switch from last year though. Last year we were freezing and were in winter coats and hats. This year, we were sweating in 80 degree weather. Afterwards, we went to the Bajorek's for a "party."

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sit Ups

Diana is doing sit ups. Not sure if she thinks this is how you are supposed to roll over or what but she is being really fun these days. Seriously it looks like she is working out doing sit ups. She also is putting anything and everything in her mouth...clothes, fingers, toys, etc.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

What You Said

Well not really new, but Jonathan still says "What you said?" if he doesn't hear or understand you. It is really cute. We probably hear this about 20 times a day. I think it is his favorite saying at the moment.

He is also really into salads right now. Every night at dinner, he sits in my lap and we share a salad. It used to always need ranch dressing but I introduced him to cesar dressing this weekend and he likes it. He only eats the lettuce, doesn't like mushrooms or tomatoes but it is a start. We talked a lot about healthy eating and on Saturday night he said he was hungry. I asked him what he wanted to eat and he said, "Something grapes maybe...not goldfish crackers or cookies." Hopefully this healthy eating kick sticks.

Happy Baby

Diana was a very happy girl all day today! This is right before bed smiling at her daddy.


Jonathan got to go to the Norwwod firehouse today with his buddies Alex and Evan. I think this made Jonathan's day! I had asked him on Saturday night, "If he could do one thing tomorrow (Sunday) what would it be?" And he responded with "touch-a-truck" which is an event that we went to back in July. Lucky for him, his friends stopped by to see if he wanted to go to the firehouse with him today.

Here were Brad's facebook captions of the pictures:

Budget cuts have hit Norwood hard. Our latest fire fighters just got sworn in. Let it burn, don't call these guys.
Do they have it in a medium possibly?

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Must be second nature to boys when the weather turns cold, but Jonathan all of a sudden is really into football. I think this Saturday made it the third week in a row where Jonathan has asked to go watch football (i.e., Norwood JV team). This week was cold but it didn't stop Jonathan. As Brad said, "He had to go."
Jonathan is enjoying throwing the football around in the front yard and tackling. GB also perfected his kickoff and extra point kicks this weekend...I think he might be better than me. He told me that his favorite part of the football game was the kickoff.