Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

15 Month Checkup

Jonathan had his 15 month checkup today and weighed in at 26 lbs (couldn't get ounces as he wouldn't sit on the baby scale anymore...had to use the big boy scale). He was 31 1/2 inches long. The doctor said he looked very healthy and was developmentally perfect...on schedule or even a little advanced (but we all knew that). He even played catch with her with his ball. He had two shots today (MMR and Hib). He whimpered a little bit when she gave them to him but then he was over it.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Oh Oh

Mommy forgot to put this picture up from our Memphis trip. I had a bit of an accident in the hotel room with my snacks. Oh Oh!And I had fun playing in the cabinent while Mommy was getting ready for the wedding. It was hard to pull the door closed though!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Memphis Trip

I went to Memphis this weekend for my Daddy's cousin's, Amanda, wedding. I didn't travel all that well. Mommy said it was the worst I have ever been on a plane...but I just don't want to sit anymore...I am on the Go Go Go constantly so it's hard to be confined like that. I had a good time in Memphis and was very nice to see all of the Long family. I wish we could have stayed the whole week at the lake! Amanda, you were a beautiful bride and had a lovely wedding (so my parents tell me since I was asleep for it).

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wanna Be Like Dad

Instead of going to bed I would much rather read Daddy's investment pamphlets.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Talking While Mowing

I was really talkative this weekend and Mommy loved it! Daddy was in class all weekend studying for his CFP so Mommy and I had quality time together. She even mowed the lawn for Daddy while I was napping today, first time ever mowing a lawn for her. I think she was happy to see me getting so good at pushing my lawn mower in hopes that I will mow the lawn for her one day!

Monday, June 15, 2009

GB's Pool

GB is watching me on Monday's for the summer and we went to her house today. We were hoping I could enjoy their country club pool but the heater was broken and the water was freezing! I didn't really care for it but hopefully next time it will be warmer and it will be more fun. I want GB to teach me how to swim.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Baby Pool

Today I got to play in my baby pool that Great Grandma Joanie and Papa Art bought me for my birthday. It's a lot of fun! The water was a little cold but I still had fun. Mommy tells me there is a slide for it too but she didn't get it blown up yet. I bet I will be in this a lot this summer!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Sugar Anyone?

I found the sweet 'n low packets today and I love to take them out of the box and throw them in the air. Look at the big mess they make!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

First Baseball Glove

My Daddy's client, Corey, works for the Red's and he gave me all sorts of Red's stuff...a hat, poster, bag, stuffed animal and the best a gold glove signed by Brandon Phillips. Daddy and I like to play catch! Go Reds!

Helping Myself

Look what I decided to help myself to tonight. It's much easier just to tip the box upside down and shake it. Can you tell Daddy was watching me while Mommy was in the whirlpool?!?!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Standing On My Head

My new favorite thing to do is stand on all fours and put my head down so I can see between my legs. Total different perspective looking at things upside down. My friend Addison's mom got a picture of me doing this on Saturday. How cute am I?

My First Kiss

I got my first kiss from a girl today (and she is older than me too!). I wasn't too sure about it.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Porch Update

The porch is really coming along. Daddy even built me a baby gate so I can't escape. We have been eating a lot of meals on the porch and playing out on it most of the day. I even get to sit in the chairs like a big boy. Now we just need to get it painted!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I know my Animals

So a little update...I am really getting good at my animal noises. First I would say "Arfff" whenever I saw a dog, then it was roaring like a lion and my newest sounds are "Moooo" for a cow and "Hee Hee" for a monkey. Mommy is trying to capture this on video...stay tuned.

Mommy likes these PJ's on me now because I say "Hee Hee". I was also lazy tonight and decided to put my legs up on the counter.


I love my Auntie/Godmother Heidi! I said Hi-Dee for the first time in MN over Memorial Day weekend but I have gotten much better since. I did get distracted though by seeing Daddy come home.