Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

St. Mary Christmas Play

Jonathan got to play God in his school's Christmas play today.  He did amazingly well!  I was so nervous, my hands were shaking and I thought I was going to lose my breakfast, but he wasn't nervous a lick.  I kept asking him to practice his lines, and I would get, "Mom, I got it.  I don't need to practice."  Sure enough, he had it!  He nailed all 3 performances.  His teacher told him he looked like he was having fun out there.  Several people made comments to me about how he was the 'perfect' God, how outstanding he was, etc.  Very proud parent moment!  He told me that when he was asked to take a picture with all of the angels, he said "Come here servants."  The kid truly amazes me every day.  So proud of you Jonathan!