Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Surprise Visit

Mommy didn't think that she was going to get to see me today, the first day since she has been in the hospital for 3 weeks now. However, Grandpa Weeks picked me up early from Mimi's today and brought me to the hospital and we surprised mommy. Mommy said it made her day! All three of us played hide-n-seek in the room and I must say I was the best hider, probably because I am the smallest. I enjoyed our game.

I have also learned a few things since Grandpa Weeks has been staying with us. First, I now know how to sign the song "singing in the rain' as Grandpa Weeks sings this song in the shower in the mornings. Secondly, I have been watching Grandpa Weeks shave and now pretend that I shave as well.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday

Happy 3rd Birthday to Jonathan today! Daddy and I spent the day in the hospital with Mommy. We celebrated later with Grandpa Weeks by opening gifts from GB & Grandpa Weeks and had cake.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Bday Party at Mimi's

Squirt Guns

Grandpa Gordy and I found a new way to get into trouble...squirt guns!!!

Birthday Party at Mimi's

We had my birthday party at Mimi's today. Auntie Heidi, Nana and Grandpa Gordy came to help me celebrate. We had cupcakes, played games, popped bubbles, and I got to show everyone all my favorite toys to play with at Mimi's. My friends made me birthday cards and sang happy birthday to me.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


I am getting fishing lessons from Grandpa Gordy with my new fishing pole I got from Auntie Heidi and Uncle Jason. I quickly realized that it is easier just to reach down and put the fish on the hook and then reel it up.

3rd Birthday Party

We celebrated my 3rd birthday today at the hospital with Mommy, Daddy, Grandpa Gordy, Nana, Auntie Heidi, Uncle Jason, Auntie Amanda, and Uncle Kyle. I got spoiled with lots of presents, balloons (including a HUGE Lightning McQueen balloon), and a birthday cake with tools on it, per my request. Mommy is thinking blue icing may not be the best idea.


I am into dressing up and make believe play. Look what my Nana made for me now! I am a gladiator! Watch out! Thank you Nana! I also wore my gladiator outfit to the hospital today. As always, I was running down the hall to mommy's room but today I had my sword out in front of me pointed towards the ceiling and my cape flying behind me.


I love to bake and help in the kitchen. I especially like it when we get to make something with mommy's big mixer. Today Nana and Auntie Heidi helped me make cupcakes for my birthday party at Mimi's. My favorite part about baking is licking the beaters.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I like to relax in mommy's bed these days. A new thing I do, cross my legs while I am relaxing. Don't I look comfy?!?

Light Bright

Miss Emily got me a light bright for my birthday and I love it! The only problem is my mommy's hospital room is so bright with her 6 windows that I have to go into the bathroom where it is dark and of course I make everyone go with me.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Fire Station

Uncle Kyle and Aunt Amanda took me to the Mariemont firehouse today through HPPE. Here is a picture of me in the fire truck with Paxton. I love fire trucks but I was a little scared being this close to one and didn't last long at the fire station.


Daddy took me to the circus tonight. My friends Alex, Evan, Mackenzie, and Katie Ann were also there. I had such a good time. My favorite parts were the elephants and the motorcycles. I want to go again next year. Here are some pictures of me with Alex and Evan making our scary "beast" faces (from Beauty & the Beast) and funny faces.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Nana Visit

Nana came today to help take care of me while mommy is in the hospital. I am very excited to have her here and Nana says I am being a big help with telling her where things are, how to get to the hospital and where Mommy's room is. Nana made me a Gladiator outfit, it's supposed to be for my birthday, but I am trying to convince her to give it to me early.

I also remind Nana very much of Grandpa Gordy. At the hospital, I was trying to take Nana to the "living room" which has toys and a funny mirror to look in. Nana didn't know where it was and Mommy was talking to a doctor, so I just walked right up to a nurse and asked her. She brought us into one "living room" but it wasn't the one I was looking for. So I walked back out into the hall and found another nurse and asked her where the room was with the mirror. The nurse showed us where it was and I was happy.

Mommy's New Room

Mommy got moved to a very nice room, best of the best on the floor she heard. It is very big, lots of room for me to play and two walls of windows. My favorite part, it is above the emeregency entrance so I like to watch all the ambulances. The other day there was even a firetruck. Daddy thinks I like to go to the hospital so much because I get to watch my movies in mommy's bed. Mommy thinks I like getting spoiled by the nurses with popsicles, ice cream, chocolate milk, and juice. Either way it makes Mommy's day when I come to visit her.

Friday, March 11, 2011

"Give them a minute"

Mommy and baby sister have been admitted to the hospital as Mommy has placenta percreta and they need to keep an eye on both of them. Daddy and I have been making daily, sometimes multiple, trips a day to and from the hospital. I still feel the need to tell Daddy that he needs to stop at red lights and sometimes we "agrue" about if the light was red or not. It has become a game. Today on the way home from the hospital, Daddy was getting mad as there were 4 cars turning right and the first one wasn't going. It was a red light, but I didn't know you could turn right on red lights. Daddy said "Turn right already" and I said "Just give them a minute daddy and then it will be your turn."


Well my curiosity got the best of me tonight at the hospital. I went into the bathroom by myself to go potty and I pulled that cord in the bathroom. I didn't know what it was for but quickly learned that it is not to be touched. The nurses all came running as they thought something happened to Mommy. Luckily they said I was not the first kid to do that and one nurse even joked that now she just has a picture of me in her head with my pants down standing in front of the toilet. I be sure to tell everyone now not to pull the cord, even mommy.

Mommy's Flowers

I love all the flowers Mommy is getting in the hospital. I have to smell them all.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

First Night in Bunk Beds

Tonight was the first night I got to sleep in my bunk beds. How fun!!! I am very excited about them. I can't quiet reach the hallway light and Mommy and Daddy don't want me to walk down the stairs by myself so I call for someone in the morning when I woke up. Mommy came to get me and she asked how I slept and how I liked my bunk beds and I replied, "They are GREAT!" I think I am going to enjoy my bunk beds and my big boy room.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Bunk Beds

We moved my bunk beds in this weekend! How fun! I have even mastered climbing the back of it to get to the top bunk. I have to sleep on the bottom until we get a rail built for the top. Grandpa Weeks and Daddy used to sleep in these bunk beds. Grandpa Weeks broke the railing and the ladder when he was little, still don't understand why.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Entertrainment Junction

Uncle Kyle and Aunt Amanda took me to Entertrainment Junction today. It was a lot of fun to look at all of the trains and I even got to ride a train and be the caboose. Of course I got spoiled by them and they bought me a train whistle (which I love) and a conductor hat (Mommy thinks I look adorable in it). Then the took me to Max 'n Erma's for dinner. I had pizza and french fries. They tried to get me to get broccoli or applesauce with my pizza but NO WAY! I also had a huge ice cream sundae! Mommy and Daddy went to go get my bunk beds while I was busy with Godfather and Aunt Amanda.