Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Nothing Says Summer Like...

...corn on the cob!  Jonathan enjoying corn on the cob for the first time this summer.  As you can tell, he enjoyed it!

Boxer Briefs

Jonathan needed new underwear and when I asked him what kind he wanted...he said "one's just like dad's."  He is one little boy that thinks his daddy is the best!  So now every time I see Jonathan in his underwear I smile because as if he didn't look like his daddy before, he really does now.  It cracks me up.  Tonight he had to sleep in just his underwear, because "that's what dad does."  Of course!  I should have known better.  Oh and one of the discussions held everyday "Dad, what kind do you have on today?  The ones with red on top?"

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Bottom Teeth

I don't think I have posted a picture of Diana's two bottom teeth yet so here you go.  Yes, she still only has the bottom two.  She has been chewing like mad lately so just maybe another one will appear soon.

Relaxing Diana

I had to get a picture of this...Diana actually sitting down by herself "relaxing".  We had some friends over for dinner last night and Diana has having so much fun playing in the portable booster that I decided to leave it out today for her.  Well she was in and out of it all day just playing so I thought lets see if she will sit and drink her bottle in it.  I was amazed at how long she sat...all of 5 minutes but that is really good for her.

Diana 1 Year Pictures

Here is a sneak peak at some of the pictures of Diana from her one year photo shoot.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Pool Time

In case you couldn't get a hold of us this weekend, we were probably at the pool.  Literally Jonathan was there all day Saturday and a majority of Sunday.  Diana only lasted on Saturday for about an hour...think it was too hot for the upper 90's.  She stayed home with daddy on Sunday.

 Jonathan has a green and blue suit on with goggles (in the middle).
 He was doing a great job holding his breath and putting his head under.
Jonathan and his buddy Rocco.


Diana fully stole Jonathan's lunch today.  Occasionally I will let Jonathan eat on a stool if we are in a hurry, etc. Well today might have been the last day for this.  Diana had no problem helping herself to his plate.  He looked at me and said "It's okay mommy, I was done with it."  I don't know why the ham on his plate was any different than what was on her tray, that she didn't eat, but apparently it was.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hair Bows

My other project I have been working on...organization of Diana's hairbows.  I made this for her and I must say I think it will do the job quite well...thank you Pintrest.  Now if we can get her to keep them on!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Getting Braver

I don't think it will be long before Diana starts walking.  She is getting braver and braver each day.  This week she went from transferring furniture, say the couch to the footstool, to walking the wall from the dining room to the fireplace.  She also is attempting to stand on her own, she lasts a few seconds but then falls down.  This morning she actually turned from holding on to the couch and tried to take a step without holding on to anything.  Of course she fell but she tried it again later on.  She still doesn't have much interest in holding someones hands to walk, must be that independent thing.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Shoe Update

Diana was up for maybe an hour before she discovered the shoe rack...she quickly scooted herself over and pulled her shoes down.  So far the shelves are still up though!


Tonight Daddy gave Jonathan a mohawk.  Luckily it was just while he was washing his hair.

Fast Eater

This morning we were trying out Grandpa Gordy's new griddle he sent us and made chocolate chip pancakes.  Diana was eating them (hers were plain, no choc chips) as fast as I could put them on her plate.  Jonathan said "She is the fastest eater ever!"  Well it turns out she didn't eat as much and as fast as we thought...a lot ended up on the floor.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Preschool Picnic

Jonathan had his last day of preschool today.  It was at a park and I think Jonathan had a lot of fun.  He says he is excited for summer and to stay home with me but I am afraid he will get bored.  I think lots of playdates will need to be scheduled.

Jonathan helped make these presents for his said "I have to ad'mitt' you are a great teacher!"
Jonathan and his "best buddy" Alex.
Some of his classmates...
 And his teachers...Mrs. Holschuh and Mrs. Eagle 

Organized Shoes

I don't know how many times a day I straighten the shoes by the back door and it drives me nuts.  We don't have a lot of space because of it being behind the door so it has been impossible to find something to work to organize the shoes.  Thanks to my new found hobby, pintrest, I finally found something that will work.  Just basic shelves.  I am so excited, I was jumping with joy.  Brad doesn't think it will work, either someone (left to be unnamed) will pull on the shelves and pull them out of the wall  or they won't get used.  I hope he is wrong.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Boy Time

Jonathan and Daddy got to go to the Red's game tonight.  Jonathan woke up, put his Red's jersey on and walked down and said "Here comes Jaaayyy Bruuuceee."  Do you think someone was excited?  He also kept reminding me that it was just the boys going as I had to stay home with Diana.  He kept saying "Boy time, boy time."  It was cute!  Brad had tickets through work, so they were great seats!  I think 6 rows from the Red's dugout.  Apparently both of the boys could have gotten girlfriends at the game, so I was told anyway.  I guess there was a young 20 something blond girl a few rows in front of Jonathan and she got him a ball from the field and helped him get a "superfan" t-shirt and sticker.  Jonathan said he winked at her.  I was thinking I needed to be worried about Diana growing up but I am second guessing which child I should be more concerned about.  Brad also spoiled Jonathan with tons of candy, sunflower seeds, ice cream and more candy.  Jonathan was beaming when he come home around 10 pm and was all smiles, his eyes were huge and he was very very proud of his "real live" baseball.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Last Night of Tball

Jonathan had his last night of Tball tonight.  He is VERY proud of his trophy.  First trophy, of many (I hope), he gets in his lifetime.  Thanks to GB & Grandpa Weeks for coming and spoiling us with Graeter's ice cream afterwards!

Downtown Park

We went to a new park opening tonight downtown.  Daddy to had help bring in a sign for his c-change group and met up with some of his friends in that group.  Jonathan I think had the most fun of all.  There was a band, which he loved dancing to, he got free ice cream, a pinwheel, a plant and even got to stay up to watch the fireworks.  Seriously, he was almost up later than me.  I came home with Diana around 8 pm and at 10 pm, I texted Brad to see if I should be worried about them as I was going to bed.  Diana was good too but once the snacks ran out she was ready for home...oh and after she literally took everything out of the basket of her stroller.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Golfing with GB

Jonathan got to go play golf at GB's "real live" golf course today.  If I remember correctly, today was the first day he got to chip out of the sand.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Diana

It is so hard to believe that my little girl is 1-year-old!  Since we already celebrated we didn't do much today but we did surprise her with a banner and balloons hanging down at her level.  As soon as we turned the corner coming from the stairs, her eyes got huge and she said "Ohhhhhh!"  but when she realized she had to crawl through them she wasn't too sure.  Luckily big brother was there to help her and soon they were both playing in them.  She got a few presents today and some extra snuggle time from Mommy!  It's amazing what a year can make.  We still count our lucky stars and thank God every day for all of our lives and health.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Jonathan helped me put together Diana's wagon that she got for her birthday from Grandpa Weeks and GB.  The box looked like it would make a perfect tunnel for the kids so I set it up on the floor and you should have heard the giggles.  Made my day!!!  They were chasing each other through it and Diana would crawl as fast as she could, get out of the tunnel and turn around and smile at me.  Too cute!  I hope they share many more of these fun playing together moments.

After we got the wagon setup, Jonathan had to pull bear..well all of his bears (3), around in the wagon.  It was cute.  He even had them buckled in.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bike Ride

We went on our first bike ride today with the kids in the bike carrier.  We tried yesterday but Diana threw a fit and screamed while I was trying to get her buckled in.  Today, I was much smarter...I gave her snacks.  Yes, she is my child.  She still wouldn't let me put her helmet on, but we will work on that.  Jonathan claims she was having fun but I don't know if he would have told me otherwise as I know he didn't want the ride to end.  At one point I heard Diana crying and I said what is going on back there?  Jonathan: "She wants this cracker but it fell on the floor so I won't give it to her.  It's dirty."  Once the snacks were gone...our bike ride was over.  Who does that sound like?!?!?

Diana's First Cold

Well we almost made it a year without Diana getting sick.  She threw up a week ago Sunday...still not sure if that was something she ate or the no one else in the house really got sick.  But today, it is safe to say she caught her first cold.  I feel so bad for her just looking at her.  She looks miserable.  Her eyes are all swollen and goopy.  Her nose is running non-stop too.  She is crying a lot and wants to be held (so not like her), so you know she is sick.  Hopefully she will feel better soon!

Laying Down

Just this week Diana has started randomly laying down on the floor on her belly.  She will be playing/crawling and just lay down.  Not quite sure why but it is the first time I have seen the girl actually be still, aside from when she is sleeping.  I did catch her the other day licking the floor though while she was laying down....guess I will really need to get better about cleaning my floors.  Gross!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Music Concert

Jonathan had his school music concert today so Diana, GB and I went to watch.  He was very well behaved, just standing still, waiting for the concert to start.  GB said this reminded her a lot of Brad when he was young.  Jonathan kept getting blocked by other kids so it was a little hard to see him but from what I could tell he was singing and participating.  He wasn't belting out the words like some kids but he was singing.  Afterwards GB treated us to lunch.  Then of course Jonathan had to have GB come to his house to play.  They actually helped me do yard work...they trimmed while I mowed (after my lesson from Bev).  Brad didn't get the lawn mowed over the weekend so I attempted the mowing...second time ever in my life and I must say it turned out pretty good.  Jonathan was cheering me on which helped and so did Bev's lessons.  That night, Brad was able to go for a walk with Jonathan while I put Diana to bed.  He said they walked hand-in-hand the whole way.  That made it so worth mowing the lawn just to hear about their special time together.

Mud Puddle

Why can boys or kids rather, not resist riding their bikes through puddles?  We got a knock on our back door today, Rocco and Alivia wanted to know if Jonathan wanted to go to the park with them.  There were 8 kids in total that went and most of them were on bikes.  After the kids played on the playground for awhile, we were rounding up the troops to head home and I look...Jonathan is on his bike eyeing up a mud puddle.  I just watched him and sure enough he went right through the middle of it.  Of course the other kids joined in on the fun.  I couldn't yell because I did the same thing as a kid.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Cake Progression

Thank you to Aunt Amanda for taking such great pictures of Diana eating her cupcake.  It's as if you can relive the whole momment.

now it is bath time!!!