Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Saturday, February 15, 2014


The kids have been enjoying the olympics. Jonathan thinks he will be in the Olympics someday...debating between bobsledding and the luge. He did like the biathlon today as well. You don't think Diana is watching TV because she is always busy doing other things. Then she ends up looking like this and she looks just like the athletes on TV. Her biathlon look.


I took Diana to see Pinkalicious tonight with her two classmates, Monika and Lauren.  So cute!  It was a very fun first theater experience for Diana and I am looking forward to many more girls nights out.  Diana did have to go potty fairly soon after the show started and while we were in the bathroom she said, "I don't like her [Pinkalicious], she shouldn't have eaten all of those cupcakes."  For those of you not familiar with Pinkalicious, they are children's books about a little girl named Pinkalicious.  In this story, it was how she ate too many pink cupcakes and turned pink.  Diana did sit in my lap for a lot of the show and seemed a bit scared.  After it was over, I finally figured out why she was scared...she thought Pinkalicioius was going to come off the stage down by Diana.  Ha!  She did seem to enjoy it though, clapped a lot and asked to go back.

POPS Bowling

Jonathan got to go bowling with some of his friends from POPS (Parents of Preschoolers - St. Mary Church).  Diana was invited to her friend/neighbor Marshall's birthday party so she chose to go there with Daddy instead.  All of the kids had a blast!  Jonathan had a spare and was trying to act all cool about it.  There are some bowlers in this group though, very fun.  We got another 3 inches of snow last night so we had a small group today but it was still fun.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine Candy

I swear I only let them have one treat each!  The amount of Valentine candy/treats that have been received is out of control!  Jonathan made Diana's day by sharing his Hello Kitty and princess Valentines.


The kids made some really cute Valentine's this year.  We utilized one of the many snow days and Pintrest to help this year.  Diana picked the lip whistles.  She was very determined to write her own name on the back of them.  She has really gotten into coloring and trying to write.  I hear her saying letters all the time and writing.  Granted most of them never look the way they should but it's a start.  She did amaze me though by writing a perfect "i" on the back of one.  I wasn't helping her at all, I was gluing so not paying any attention, just telling her what letters to write.  I looked up and was like "whoa!"  She had a big smile!  I don't think she could do it again though.  Jonathan picked toy airplanes for the neighborhood boys and then Swedish fish for his classmates. I forgot to take a picture of his fish bowls though, so this is from Pintrest.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Jonathan deserved his "participation" trophy from wrestling tonight. This little boy worked very hard at every practice, listened to his coaches and discovered his new favorite sport.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Minnie Dress

Diana and Jonathan are getting excited to visit "Mickey's House" as Diana calls it.  I saw this adorable little dress on Etsy but decided to try and make it myself.  Thankfully I had craft night last night with some mom's from church so I was able to cut out the fabric and pick up a couple of tips from my crafty friends.  Today when I should have been cleaning, I decided I would sew the dress instead.  It was so much fun to make and I must say I am quite proud of how it turned out.  My mom would be proud!  I do still need to applique Mickey on but that will be easy.  Diana keeps asking if I am done with her dress, so I better get working on it!

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Seriously, how cute are these two?  Just snuggling together on the floor.  Jonathan is making a heart with his hands.  They adore each other and it melts my heart every time.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Cookie Decorating

I took Diana to decorate Valentine cookies today with HPPE.  What a fun event!  Diana was very focused on frosting and decorating her cookies.  Of course she did it all by herself.  She was given three cookies and she immediately said one would be for Jonathan.  They still look out for each other.  Diana and I then went to story hour and ran into one of Diana's friends from school, Olivia.  They listened very well to the stories but liked the songs the best.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Art Glass Nightlight

I signed Jonathan up for an art class today to make a glass nightlight in hopes that it would be made for the hallway but I was quickly informed that it was going to be for his bedroom.  Jonathan really enjoyed making his nightlight and had this whole plan in his head on what it was going to be.  I must say I was impressed with how it finished.  It's been fired in the kiln so we are excited to see what it will look like when it comes out.

Home Depot Building Workshop

The kids and I ventured to the Home Depot kids build-a-workshop again today.  They got to make cool race cars today. Jonathan even painted a racing stripe on his.  I guess it was supposed to be Bumble Bee from Transformers.  Of course Diana's was pink and purple.  She did add some black surprisingly.

Snuggle Time

Nothing like snuggle time with Daddy on a Saturday morning.  You would have thought they were watching cartoons, but nope.  Just a little history channel about stealth airplanes.  I then introduced Jonathan to some Top Gun movie clips.