Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Swim Lessons

Jonathan is taking swimming lessons at the Sports Club for a few weeks on Monday and Wednesday evenings.  He is working on his back and belly floats as well as "bobs."  I have yet to attend a lesson so I am not exactly sure what he is doing but I hope his swimming will continue to improve.  Monday he had a major meltdown about going...he said the pool was too cold, he just didn't want to go, etc.  We were able to get him there and he was fine once he was there.  The pool is cold still, I will give him that but I think he might have been tired.  He slept until 8:45 on Tuesday!

Poor Diana isn't old enough for swim lessons and as much as she loves the pool, her little heart was broken tonight when Brad and Jonathan ventured off to the pool without her.  I told her we could go "swim" in the tub and she was naked within seconds.  After she got out of the tub, she insisted on putting on her swimsuit though.  I was thinking PJ's but there was no convincing her otherwise.  I let her wear her swimsuit for about 20 minutes before bed.  The girl is obsessed with her swimsuits!  She has to put one on right away in the morning and I think that is pretty much all she has worn the last 2 weeks.  She has taken naps in her swimsuits, or held them in her hand while napping.  She does love the water and was actually doing a really good kicking in the pool earlier today.  Some random mom at the pool today said to me, "Wow, she is really independent, what is she 3 years old?"  I laughed to myself.  I guess most other 2 year olds that I see at the pool, are sitting on the steps of the big pool or in the baby pool and by their mom's side...not my daughter!  She has to keep up with the big kids, which means Mommy gets to be in the pool too.

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