Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dr Seuss Camp Update

Jonathan did great at being dropped off on Monday for day camp. Tuesday and Wednesday not so much at ALL. He screamed and cried. It was awful for both of us! The teachers basically just told me I need to leave. When I ask him about why he cries like that when I drop him off he says he doesn't want me to leave and then he made a comment about how my "belly" still hurt me. I know he has always had a bit of a problem with separation anxiety and being left but I wonder if my hospital stay has effected him more than I realize. Today he did a little better. He was trying to be brave but he said goodbye to me a little too early, at the door at the end of the hallway and not at the classroom. We walked down the hall together, he put his backpack and lunch in his cubby and then as soon as we got to the door of his classroom, he cried. It wasn't as bad today and the teacher said by the time he was done washing his hands, he was fine. I think the year of preschool ahead might be a challenge.

Tuesday he read the ABC's book, Wednesday was the Bartholomew and the Oobleck and today was Mr Brown can moo! Can You? It sounds like he is having fun at camp and is enjoying the stories and playing with his friends. We just need to work on the dropoff.

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