Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Upset Little Girl

It is safe to say that Diana does not like her shoes. Shortly after I wrote my last past about how she was asleep in her bed, she woke up SCREAMING and pretty much didn't stop for longer than 30 minutes until 3 am (Jonathan stayed at GB's and Brad slept upstairs while Diana and I tried to sleep in my bed). There were numerous times when I wanted to take off Diana's shoes and "rescue" my little baby girl. But we held strong together and have made it 24 hours without taking them off. This of course did not happen without a few tears being shed by mommy. She is supposed to get an hour a day with her shoes off which I have been dreading taking them off because I know it will be hard to get them back on. However, watching my smiling, happy, normal baby for that 30 minutes was well worth it. Shortly after I put her shoes back on, I put her in her bouncer and was heading outside with Jonathan to play baseball while Diana watched on the back porch...she was happy as a clam in her bouncer, smiling and talking to her "friends" but got so excited that she kicked her shoes off 3 times. I think the bouncer might be a toy of the past because putting these shoes on is not the easiest task.

Here is a picture of the mark that is already on both ankles from her shoes stretching her feet.

Talking up a storm and kicking with her shoes off.

Happy Girl!

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