Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Monday, June 13, 2011

Growing Girl

Diana had her weight check today and in the 2 weeks, she has gained a pound. She is now 7# 8 oz. Go Diana! The doctor said whatever we were doing was working so to stick with it. I am going to try and nurse her 4 times a day now instead of 3. She was on a 8, 11, 2 and 5 am/pm eating schedule but we tried changing it to 9, 12, 3 and 6 but she keeps going back to the original one. Oh well. We are adding formula to her bottles so that they are 22 caloric intake, which means 1 tsp of formula for every 3 oz of breast milk. She normally drinks between 40-70 ml, or around 2 to 2 1/2 oz every 3 hours. She knows when it is 3 hours too!!! I used to have to set an alarm to feed her, not anymore. I could tell she has put on weight as her little cheeks are chubby and she has a double chin. She no longer wears preemie clothes, actually only did the first couple days home. She has been wearing newborn but I think those days might be limited as she can barely stretch out her legs in them. Her hair has really come in and is starting to be awake more.

Jonathan had a fun morning today watching Doug work on our back porch. He had to show Doug all his tools. I am debating keeping him home tomorrow, at least in the morning so he can "help" Doug.

1 comment:

sherby28 said...

She is going to out grow Emme in no time