Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Another wonderful day at GB's pool. This time we were smarter and packed a lunch. We spent almost 4 hours at the pool. I think Jonathan would swim all day if we would let him. Jonathan has always been a little afraid of the water coming down from the mushroom in the baby pool. Today there were lots of little kids at the pool and Jonathan made friends with two little boys in particular. I think they helped him overcome some of his fears. At one point the one little boy kept going under the mushroom and GB and I were just watching Jonathan as he put the kickboard over his head and inched towards the mushroom. GB said to me, "Watch this, he has an idea" and sure enough under the mushroom water he went and was SO proud of himself. He also started to dive under the water for things, well sort of...he would close his eyes and mouth and reach down into the water to get a shark and maybe his chin and mouth would be under the water but he called it diving so we will go with it for now. GB and Jonathan also swam in the big pool, JT with his water wings on, and they played catch. It was a good challenge for Jonathan to keep kicking while throwing the ball to keep him afloat. Oh and Jonathan had to have blood drawn today as his lead levels are elevated. I thought it would just be a finger prick but they took it from his arm. Poor little guy. He was a trooper though and as soon as we got to the pool he forgot all about it.

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