Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Diana 6 Week Checkup

Diana had her "1 month" checkup appointment today but she is 6 weeks old (the appt got all messed up because of her 2 week weight checks). The doctor said she is doing well and was pleased with her weight gain, especially since I am nursing almost exclusively now. Diana gets 1-2 bottles a day, 1 to ensure she gets her vitamin and another one if she seems tired or gets hungry shortly after I nurse her. She is doing really well with eating. She weighed 8 pounds 6 oz today. We are all very proud of her! She is in the 10th percentile for weight if you don't adjust her age for being early and 50th percentile if you do adjust her age. Diana had to get her second hepatitis B shot and was none too thrilled. Jonathan came with and when Diana started screaming, he covered his ears with his hands. It was funny.

1 comment:

sherby28 said...

way to go Diana. Cousin Izzy and Emme are proud of you. Even though you will be bigger than then in no time. Can not wait to see you in August