Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Friday, June 24, 2011

House Still Standing

Daddy was gone for three days and the house is still standing and Mommy still has all of her hair, she thinks. Jonathan is still at Mary's so that was a HUGE help. We had a busy few days and for the most part things went pretty goody with a few exceptions. Wed on the way home from Mary's, Jonathan fell and scraped his elbow and gashed his hand, good thing GB was already here and was taking care of Diana. This set Jonathan off to be real whiny all night as he kept bumping his hand or putting hand sanitizer on it, which burned. GB and I decided to do a photo shoot of Diana after JT went to bed. I must say we got some good pictures. Thurs I had my 6 week postpartum appointment and all is good. I have been released to normal activities and Dr. Marcotte reiterated how well everything went during surgery. After my dr appt, I went up to SCOB to see my nurse friends and it was weird, very very quiet. They only had 8 patients and only 3 nurses working. The good news was that Holly got to go to lunch with Diana and me. So fun! Diana was very snug in her pumpkin seat and slept for 4 hours. Thurs night we went and had dinner at the Bajorek's as Tim was at softball. Afterwards we went next door to the Calcitrai's where they had the neighborhood crew over to play on Tessa's new swingset. It was a lot of fun, ice cream cones and all. Night time was a bit of a disaster. JT was overly tired, Diana woke up to eat, lots of crying in the house. Then at 3 am Jonathan starts screaming, I had just gotten back into bed maybe 10 minutes earlier from feeding Diana. He had a bad dream apparently. I got him back to bed, so I thought, and 10 minutes later he was crying again. He asked if he could sleep in my bed, 10 minutes earlier I said no, but I needed some sleep so I caved. Jonathan did not want to go back to bed and didn't understand that it was 3 am and that he needed to be quiet, lay down and go back to bed. Finally I had him quiet at least in my bed and Diana starts crying to eat again (I am trying to nurse Diana full time now so she eats about every 2 hours as she often gets tired and falls asleep before she is really done eating). So 4 am, we all were in Diana's room, not really my idea of fun. We finally all got back to sleep around 5 am and slept until 7:30. We will be happy when Daddy gets home in a few hours.

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