Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Sunday, September 12, 2010

1st Red's Game

Mommy took me to my first Red's game today. Unfortunately the Reds lost 1-3 in the top of the 9th but I had a great time. I skipped my nap and did extremely well. I lasted the whole game and probably sat in my seat for 7 out of the 9 innings.

Here I am in "awe" of the field and players.

I caught on to clap and cheer for the Reds when everyone else did. Daddy had to travel to Milwaukee for work today so he couldn't join us but he had Gapper come and personally say hi to us at our seats. I freaked out and was afraid of Gapper but eventually I gave him hi-five and sort of got a picture with him.

I really liked the bouncy house and slide too...Mommy was a nervous reck but I did really well on it.

Go Reds!!!!

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