Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

2 1/2 Yr Check-up

I had my 2 and 1/2 year check-up today, well really it was like 2 year and 9 month as we were late scheduling the appointment. I weighed 34.5 lbs and was 36.5 inches tall. I know it didn't grow very much from my 2 year check-up but today was the first day that I stood against the wall and they measured me that way. The doctor said there sometimes is a disconnect then so not to be worried. I also got to look into a smiley face machine which tests my vision, we don't have the results yet. Since I am a big boy and potty trained, they also took a urine to pee in a cup for the first time. I had to get one shot and I didn't cry, although I did say "owie" after it. I brought my doctor kit too, which was a good idea because I got to use all my "tools" when the doctor was. She liked them! Mommy and I both have a nasty cough right now but she said it is just that time of the year and not to worry. Although I did have the start of an ear-infection but we are going to wait and see if it heals on it's own. I haven't been complaining about it.

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