Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Friday, December 10, 2010

Funny Things I Say

Mommy has been meaning to post about the funny things I say/do for awhile now, so some of these are things I have been doing for awhile:

1. "That's what I am talking about"
2. "No, I do it!"
3. "That's my favorite" or "Green is my favorite color"
4. "I have a good idea..."
5. "Please I can...(have a cookie, read one more book, etc.)"
6. "I smell/hear like something"
7. "No I am not XXX (Jonathan, rascal, etc), I am 'Lickety-split'"
8. "You seen this before?" or "You seen this for awhile?" (this came about at Thanksgiving in FL, while I was swimming and doing different "moves")
9. "That make you happy" (after eating a green bean)
10. "When I get bigger...(I am going to be tall enough to reach the sky)"

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