Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Friday, November 1, 2013

Zoo Time

Diana has been talking about going to the zoo since we left the zoo last time. She loves the zoo! It's funny she likes it so much because she doesn't like animals, except for the kitty cat at school. Jonathan didn't have school today so he joined Nana, Grandpa Gordy, Diana and I at the zoo. It was a very fun day and a beautiful fall day. After the merry-go-round, the kids couldn't pass the snack shop and originally Jonathan wanted cotton candy but I convinced him to get popcorn instead. Well, little Miss Diana decided that she really wanted cotton candy. She doesn't even like cotton candy. So while I was trying to reason with her, the very nice man working the stand told his manager that he needed to buy Diana some cotton candy because she really wants it but her mom says she doesn't like it and won't buy it for her. So, Diana ended up with a tub of her very own cotton candy. She was so proud! The best part was that she took a bite and you could tell by her face that she didn't care for it but she was trying to like it. Between Jonathan and Diana, maybe 6 bites were taken. Glad we didn't pay for it! Meanwhile, the bag of popcorn was GONE!

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