Diana had her
neonatalogist early discharge appointment today. On their scale she weighted 7 pounds 9 oz and is in the 50
th % for height and weight and 80% for head. Dr.
neonatalogist, is concerned about her feet but that is her only concern, which is the good news. The bad news is that the leg exercises we have been doing for Diana don't seem to be helping much and Dr.
Wedig wants us to go see an orthopedic. So on July 14
th we have an appointment with the orthopedic where they may take
xrays to see if it is a bone issue, hopefully not. Worst case scenario they would need to break her foot and cast her feet or maybe she will just need to wear special shoes. Stay tuned on the outcome of that appointment. I feel bad and wish she didn't have this issue but then I remind myself that if this is the worst and only thing we are dealing with, we can handle it and are very lucky. While we were at the appointment, two of my
SCOB nurses, Deb and Jessie walked by so they got to see Diana wide awake. I also went to say hi to everyone else at
SCOB after the appointment. It was fun to see those who were working that day. Sad to say, but I kind of miss my room there and all of the special care I got. Oh to go back to getting all the sleep I wanted. :-)