Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Capital T

Trouble with a capital T....yes, I am speaking about Diana.  Today after I dropped the boys (Alex, Evan and Jonathan) off at school, we had to drop the van back off at Shonda's.  Diana fell asleep in the car, which she normally does these days, but when I went to get her out of her seat she threw a fit.  She kicked and screamed the whole way home.  I thought she was just tired so wanted to get her to her bed as quickly as possible.  I took her up there and she didn't calm down...major temper tantrum (another reason for the capital T).  I brought her downstairs and she wanted her shoes on and go outside.  When I said No, she screamed louder so I thought, ok fine I will go eat lunch and give you some time to calm down.  I even gave her the bottle thinking it would help...nope.  So finally I decided she just needs to cry it out in bed.  Bad idea on my part!  By the time I could get downstairs I heard a big thud and louder crying.  I figured she had fallen out of bed and sure enough, when I opened her bedroom door there she was standing by the door.  I have no idea how she got out.  Luckily she didn't hurt herself.  I knew this day was coming, where she would crawl out, I just didn't think it would be so soon.  Ugh!  She is sleeping peacefully in her bed now.

On a side note, Shonda watched the kids this morning and sent this picture.  Evan adores Diana.

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