Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Diana is 17 Months

Diana is 17 months old! So hard to believe. She is definitely not a baby anymore but in full toddler mode! She is a very busy bee and hardly sits still. She will sit still while she is eating but when she is done, she wants out of that highchair as quickly as possible. She is being very stubborn and refusing to give up her bottle. She only gets a bottle in the morning and at night now. During the day I try and give her milk in a sippy cup and she bats it away. She will drink water just fine from a sippy cup just not milk. There has been lots of crying and temper tantrums over the bottle but I am trying to be as stubborn as she is. :-) I have noticed that she eats a lot more food during the day now that she isn't drinking as much milk. She is a good eater and eats things I didn't think she would, such as black beans. I think her favorite things right now would be tomatoes (she goes over to the garden when we are outside and just points) and yogurt (any time I give her a spoon to play with she will walk over to the fridge and point. When I get the yogurt out she starts "happy" dancing and gets very excited). She normally goes to bed about 7 to 7:30 and wakes up around 7 am. She no longer takes a morning nap unless she is up early (6 am) or is fussy but then usually takes an afternoon nap from noon until 2 to 2:30. She still has her pacifier but I try to limit that only to her bed although she has been getting smart and any time we are upstairs she will go in to her room, pull herself up on the crib rail and reach in for one. Or when we get her out of bed, she will have one in her mouth which we take out, but she will be hiding at least one if not two in her hands. Since I last wrote an update about her I feel like she has started doing a lot more things, although none of them on queue very often, it has to be on her terms. She now waves and says hi. We will be playing outside and she will wave to the cars that drive by. I am afraid she will be a social butterfly just like her brother. She also blows kisses and makes a noise while she does it, "Mmmmmwwwaaa!" She is constantly pointing at things she wants or sees and grunts. We are working on words and she will copy a lot of sounds, she just doesn't have very many words yet. She has to be doing whatever her brother is doing and I think he might be her favorite toy. She loves it when he plays with her, even when he is tickling her. She loves it outside and throws fits when we have to come inside. She has discovered the sand pit outside and loves her riding toys and wagon. She goes backwards still on the riding toys but just the other day she went forward just a little bit. She is up to 8 teeth!  She is cutting her teeth better and this last one I didn't even know she was getting it until I saw it.  She is still very independent and "spirited" but that is the little girl I have known to love and I don't know if I would want it any other way now. 

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