Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Normally while I am cooking dinner, Diana is either playing in the living room and I can hear her playing or she is crawling around the kitchen. Tonight she was playing in the living room and she was being very quiet...I knew she was into something. Sure enough, she was no longer in the living room but in the entry way and she was on TOP of the trampoline. This is the first time she has crawled up on anything! Apparently she is still obsessed with paper because there was a piece of paper on the trampoline she HAD to have. I walked in there she was very happy sitting in the middle of the trampoline waving the piece of paper around. I called Jonathan in and said "Look what your sister did." And he said, "Yikes!" and made a face. We really are in trouble now. I see the stairs being blocked and baby gates going up in our very near future.

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