Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Busy Saturday

What a busy Saturday we had. First we went to Lowe's to the build-and-grow event to build our fire trucks. The kids have been really into the Lowe's and Home Depot workshops and play with their projects a lot. Brad normally works out Saturday morning so it is a fun thing for the kids and I to do. Although this week I screwed up and thought it started at 9 when it didn't actually start until 10. Oops! Luckily I was smart enough to ask if we could take our kits home instead of going back at 10. Then we were off to a free Lego building kit at King Arthur's court. Jonathan saw the flier on my counter and had to go! He of course saw the Ninjago lego and opted for that one, while Diana chose the treehouse with a little squirel. Diana lost interest in the building so we didn't last long but that was ok because Diana had a date with Daddy to go to the zoo. She had been talking all week about Daddy taking her to the zoo, going on a train ride and seeing the polar bear swimming on his back. Jonathan and I tagged along too. It was a gorgeous day for the zoo. Diana was as happy as could be at the zoo and especially on the train! Jonathan wanted to sit at the very front of the train and Diana wanted to sit more in the middle, so I went with Jonathan and Brad took Diana. We divided after that as each kid had their own places (Jonathan - playground and Diana - penguins and bears) they wanted to go. It was kind of a nice way to do it and I always love it when Diana and Brad can have special time together.

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