Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Line Leader

Diana had her second day of preschool today. I thought maybe today would be harder for her since she would realize that I leave her there but there was no hesitation at all. She went in, hung up her backpack, waited in line to wash her hands, I gave her a kiss and off she went. I think she might prefer Mrs. Wall as she walked straight over to her where she was reading books to a bunch of other little girls. When I picked up Diana the teachers said that she is doing really well. She tells them when she has to go potty, which they are really impressed by. Another day with no accidents and just in big girl undies! The teachers asked me if she had any older siblings. When I said "Yes, why can you tell?" They smiled but said no. I guess she is a rule follower and that isn't always typical in a second born. Who knew?!? :-) They were working on jobs today, and Diana's job was to be line leader. She was standing up against the wall with her class and when Mrs. Aherns asked Diana to step out of line and be the leader, she was very hesitant. We have since practiced at home and thanks to Jonathan, I think she now understands the line leader role. I asked Diana if she liked school and she always smiles and shakes her head yes.

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