Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Grandpa Weeks

The kids and I went to GB and Grandpa Weeks' today to celebrate Grandpa's birthday. I think Jonathan thought it was his birthday. He kept saying Grandpa let's go play golf, Grandpa let's have a bonfire, Grandpa... He did keep a secret about what kind of cake and what was on the cake though. We met GB at the pool earlier in the day while Grandpa was golfing. After being an hour+ late (due to Diana taking a 2 hour morning nap and really bad traffic), Diana didn't get much swimming time but still had fun. Diana and GB had a little tea party, GB would pour the water in a little cup and Diana would dump it and laugh. It was really cute. Jonathan continues to love the water and improve everyday. He was doing "belly smackers" jumping in off the side of the pool today. I think he has his head underwater as much as he has it above water lately. We then all went to church together and Diana was very entertaining, as usual in church. She wasn't too loud, only screamed once, but she was all over the place. After church is when Grandpa or "Grampy" as Jonathan is now calling him, took him to the club to hit golf balls, then we had a wonderful dinner, had ice cream cake that had a golfer on it, opened presents and then had a bonfire. At 10 pm we were sitting by the bonfire and Jonathan said "mommy, I am ready for bed.". I don't know if I ever heard him say that before. I am pretty lucky to have such wonderful kids and in-laws to help while brad is in Milwaukee for work. It was a great day.

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